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3rd person

The doctor returned to the doctor's office and set his bag down on a desk. It surprised the doctor to find Belle at the old mansion. No one went to the house on the outskirts of town and never saw the owner.

As the doctor sat there, thinking about what he saw, another man entered his office. The man sat down in front of the doctor.

"You look perplexed," the man said.

"No, just thinking," the doctor said.

"Have you heard from Belle lately?" The man asked.

The doctor, knowing he saw Belle recently, avoided the topic.

"William, Belle, has no interest in you," the doctor answered.

"Dan, your sister is best friends with Belle. How you haven't pursued Belle is beyond me?" William said.

"Belle is like a sister to me. I watched Belle grow up and have no romantic interest in her. I advised you to move on from your infatuation," Dan told William.

"I waited for years for Belle. I refuse to wait for long. She will be mine," William declared.

"You're delusional if you think Belle will accept you. You're not only delusional but a disturbed individual since you are quite older than Belle," Dan informed William.

"I prefer women younger. You can teach them well, and they obey you. You would know this if you found a younger woman," William replied.

William's logic bothered Dan, not only for the age difference, but William pursued Belle when Belle refused William. Dan and his brothers were able to shield Belle from William, but with Belle at the old mansion, it will prove more robust.

"William, forget about Belle. Find someone else and move on. I beg you," Dan said.

William stood up and smiled as Dan furrowed his brows.

"That's the problem with begging; it makes you weak," William remarked before leaving Dan's office.

Whatever the reason Belle was at the old mansion, Dan didn't know. He did hope that Belle remained safe.

William left the doctor's office, making his way to his house as another man met him along the way.

"Well," the man asked.

"I know those idiots are hiding Belle, and I refuse to allow her kept from me. I waited for the day to take her," William said.

"If the brothers are hiding Belle, won't it make it difficult to find her?" The man questioned.

"Lewis, you have no faith in my capabilities," William said, placing his hand on Lewis's shoulder. "I'm the man that gets what he wants, and I want Belle."

"Perhaps, you should move on and find someone else," Lewis suggested.

William stopped and turned to Lewis, lording over Lewis. Lewis looked at William and gulped.

"Never advise me what to do. You are nothing but a worthless, insignificant weasel. It's bad enough that Damien disappeared on me, costing me millions. Now, I have you attempting to advise me. Do not make me laugh," William instructed Lewis.

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