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"You want me to do what?" I asked, changing my clothes for bed.

"Invite the girl to dinner," Candlestick suggested.

I looked at Candlestick with confusion.

"We'll take care of dinner, you dress up and then hold the girl in your arms as you dance with her," Candlestick said, dancing around the dresser top.

"But we can have dinner any time," I reasoned.

"Then how about a date?" Teapot asked me.

I looked at Teapot with surprise. Then my expression changed.

"A date requires going out somewhere. I refused to go into the public as I look," I said somberly. I sat down on my bed and lowered my head. Even if I wanted to ask Belle out on a date, she would never accept my invitation.

"Oh, Beast," Featherduster said.

"I'm happy that Belle accepted my offer to stay with me. I won't force Belle into something she doesn't want to do. It's a nice thought, but it satisfies me with our current arrangement," I said as I turned off the light and closed my eyes.

"Good night, Beast," the objects said.


I fell into a slumber and dreamt.

Running through the woods, I heard growls as I picked up my pace. Then I stopped as wolves surrounded me. The wolves growled and snapped at me as I looked for a clearing.

I stepped, tripping on a rock as a wolf lunged for me, making me scream and shielding myself with my arm.

"Get away from her!" Someone growled as I lowered my arm.

I watched as Beast fought off the wolves as they bit and attacked him.

"Run, Belle!" Beast growled as I sat there in shock.

The wolves kept coming until an ax flew through the air, landing into the wolf, making the other wolves retreat. I got up and rushed to Beast, who laid on the ground, barely moving.

"Beast," I said, gripping Beast's jacket.

"Belle, I told you to run," Beast whispered as he looked at me, reaching for my face and gently touching it.

"You need help," I said.

"You're safe," Beast said.

"You protected me. Now let me help you. I need you to get up," I said, yanking Beast's jacket.

"I can't," Beast said.

"You can't and you will. Please Beast," I said as Beast got to his hooves slowly. Beast moved slowly, and I helped him.

"Why are you helping me?" Beast asked as I helped him back to the mansion.

"Because it's what you do when you care for someone," I answered as Beast nodded.

I helped Beast back to the house and helped him to the couch. I went and got items to clean Beast's wounds as he sat there. I started cleaning the wounds, being gentle. He hissed as I applied antiseptic on the cuts.

"Why did you come after me?" I asked as I tended the wounds.

"Because it's what you do when you love someone," Beast said as I looked up at him.

Beast raised his hand and touched my cheek lightly with his paw. I placed my hand on it as he looked at me. Then I saw it. I saw Beast's heart as love radiated from it. I smiled as I saw hope shine in his amber eyes and realized who Beast is.

Beauty's BeastWhere stories live. Discover now