The fairytale books

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After leaving Belle's house, I went to visit Andrew and Goldie. If anyone knew fairytales, it was Goldie. I pulled up to their home and got out of the car. I made my way to the front door, then knocked. Andrew answered, welcoming me inside it.

"It's a lot colder when your body not covered in fur," I mentioned, making Andrew chuckled.

Andrew took my coat and draped it over a chair. I followed Andrew into the kitchen as Goldie was baking. Andrew stole a cookie, and Goldie hit him with a spatula.

"Quit eating the cookies," Goldie said.

"Quit hitting me, you brute," Andrew replied.

They reminded me of Candlestick and Clock, making me chuckle.

"Damien, would you like a cookie before your brother eats them all?" Goldie asked me.

"Uh, sure," I said, waiting for Goldie to hand me a cookie, which she did.

"What brings you to our neck of the woods?" Andrew asked me.

"I came to see Goldie," I mentioned.

Both looked at me with confusion.

"When you were younger, I remember you would read fairytales. How many fairytales did you read?" I asked Goldie.

Goldie thought about it, then said, "Well, my dad read me every fairytale growing up, until I started reading. When he did read the fairytales, he added things to it. I thought Dad was embellishing the stories, but then I read the fairytales, and everything wrote how Dad told it."

"Where are the books now?" I asked.

"Honestly, I don't know. When we moved, I couldn't find the books. I figured I lost the books," Goldie answered.

I rubbed my chin as I sat there.

"I can tell you that I received the books as a gift when I was little," Goldie mentioned.

"Who sent the books?" I asked.

"I don't know. Mom said they just appeared one day wrapped in plain paper with a note that I still have," Goldie said, leaving the room.

"Damien, why do you want to know about the fairytale books?" Andrew asked.

I looked at Andrew and sighed. "Because I think I have the books," I answered.

Andrew looked at me with confusion. Goldie returned with the letter and handed it to me. I opened it and read it.

If you received this letter, I gifted you with some unique books called Fairytale books. These aren't your ordinary books but enchanted. Each fairytale will rewrite itself with each story. The books are significant. Whoever has the books is considered the guardian of the fairytales.

When the time is right, the books will move onto the next guardian. Please protect the books. If the books fall into the wrong hands, everything you love near and dear will cease to exist.

After reading the letter, I handed it back to Goldie.

"I think we have a problem," I mentioned as both looked at me with concern.

I returned home with Andrew and Goldie, making my way to the library. Moving the doors and turning on the light, I went to the section with the fairytale books. I looked and noticed the books gone.

"Damien, what's happening?" Cedric asked.

I turned and walked over to both. "The fairytale books disappeared," I said, surprising them both. "Belle came to purchase the books. I refused to sell them until we made a deal."

"You don't think Belle took the books, do you?" Goldie questioned.

"No, because I gave the books to Belle, and she didn't take them the first time," I answered.

"When did you notice the books, Damien?" Andrew asked.

"After I turned into the Beast. I found the books in the library. When I attempted to move the books, they went back to another spot. Someone has the books," I mentioned as Andrew and Goldie looked at each other, then at me.


I came home from work and took a bath. Today was horrible, and tomorrow isn't looking better. After soaking in the tub, I got out and dried off. All I wanted to do is relax with a glass of wine or several.

I put on some clothes, then hung up my towel, when a book flew out of my bookcase. What the hell? I walked over and picked it up, putting it back on the shelf. As I started to leave, the book flew out onto the floor. Okay, now this is annoying me.

I put the book back, and the book flew out onto the floor. After ten minutes, I stopped.

"I think Hans's smoking is affecting me," I mumbled.

Then the book opened, and pages started flipping. What the fuck? I crept over to the book and picked it up to Hansel and Gretel. Isn't this story about two chubby kids that get ate by a witch? Then I watched as the words started disappearing. I blinked a hundred times, focusing on what I saw until the pages became blank.

The next thing to happen blew my mind.

The story is not written yet. When it gets printed, the books will move onto the next guardian.

I dropped the book as I stood there, shocked. My bedroom door opened as Hans poked his head inside and looked at me weird.

"What are you doing?" Hans asked.

"Oh, nothing, but reading a book," I said casually.

"What book?" Hans asked.

I noticed the book disappeared.

"Have you been smoking my stash?" Hans questioned.

"Uh, no, but I need a drink from a bottle without a glass," I said as I left my bedroom. Yep, I need a drink, stat.

3rd person

Locasta entered the spell room as Maleficent waved her hand over a cauldron.

"You were right. Someone is after the books," Locasta announced.

"I'm always right, but it doesn't matter," Maleficent said.

"Why not?" Locasta asked.

"Because the books have moved to the next guardian until the guardian finds true love." Maleficent lowered her hand as Locasta looked at her. "Fairytales were created so that people believe in good. You have the hero and the villain. The hero will conquer the villain and find true love. When you mess with the concept, chaos ensues."

Locasta stood there as Helga entered the spell room. "You were right. Belle would never perform a devious act," Helga mentioned.

"No, I didn't think Belle would do it. Her heart is pure and needed to break the curse. That's why I put everyone in place," Maleficent said.

"Isn't that messing with people's free will?" Locasta questioned.

No, because ultimately people make a choice, they need to follow the path," Maleficent explained.

"It still doesn't explain who is after the books. The person is cloaking themselves to hide their identities," Helga mentioned.

"Then we keep moving the books and helping the guardians. The more we move the books, the better we are," Maleficent informed Locasta and Helga.

It was a risk the witches took to protect the fairytales, but it was the start of what is to become later. It will take a united front from many to thwart one.

A battle was raging in the village as people from the stories found true love; a love someone desperately wants to destroy. One that no one will see coming until it happens. With all fairytales comes to the ultimate villain, and this villain hasn't arrived yet, but they will.

It's if the person can be defeated? That question remains.

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