Doctors Office and a Surprise Guest

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Sorry for the super slow updates xx. If you leave a comment (preferably nice) I will dedicate future chapters to you! I’ll do as many as I get comments because I haven’t dedicated chapters in a while. Thanks for the reads, almost to 1000!!

Walking into the doctor’s office was like meeting with your principal, it was nerve wrecking. With every step I took I knew I was getting closer and closer to the future, this could change my entire life. I nervously sat in the waiting room by myself, playing around with my fingers and staring at the ground. My head snapped up as soon as I heard my name being called. I gave a nervous smile to the women holding a stack of papers waiting for me. I got up and followed her into the small room, immediately taking a seat.

“I’m just going to ask you a few questions if that’s okay” She said, looking up at me with a smile. I just nodded.

“First off, how are you feeling?”

“I’m okay” I answered

“There are definitely some small symptoms that can tell us more about your illness; I’m just going to name off a few. Have you been feeling ill lately?”






“Have you had a loss of appetite?”


She gave me a sympathetic smile and gathered some papers. “Your doctor will be in soon” she replied, leaving.

I let out a shaky sigh. It was true; I was feeling was those things which meant I was sick again. I tried to distract myself so my mind wouldn’t freak itself out.

I snapped back to reality as soon as my doctor walked in.

“Hello Belle, it’s nice to see you again, just not in this kind of circumstance” He let out a laugh trying to break the tension, I only gave him a small smile.

“So from these reports, it says you’ve been feeling under the weather lately?” He asked.

“Yes that’s right” I said, studying the pattern on the floor.

“Well we can’t be sure of anything until we do some tests, we will schedule those for next week.” He said, typing information into the computer.

“You can be expecting a call from us within the next day or two” He said, glancing up at me.

I just nodded my head and collected my things and standing up to leave.

“Oh belle, one more thing” He said stopping me.


“Does your parent or guardian know about this?”

I nervously toyed at the hem of my shirt.

“No” I replied.

“Well it’s not required for them to be at the testing since you are 18 but it’s recommended that they go”

I just nodded, telling him I would call my mum and tell her.

“Alright belle, we will talk soon”

“Mhmm” I replied, making my way out of the doctors, not making eye contact with anyone. As soon as I got into my car, I closed my eyes and gripped the steering wheel. I owed my mom a phone call but did I really have the strength to face her?


“Answer answer answer answer, for heaven sakes KELLY PICK UP!” I angrily shouted into my phone. Last night she had left with no explanation and now when I needed to talk to her she wasn’t answering her cell phone. I jabbed the end button and dropped my phone onto my bed, frustrated. I had to call my mum but I didn’t know how she would respond and I desperately needed to talk to Kelly. I laid on my bed trying to calm my nerves before I hesitantly grabbed my phone and clicked on her contact. Before I knew what I was doing I had pressed ‘call’ and it was ringing. I held the phone to my ear, eyes closed and waited as it rung.

Finally after what seemed like forever my mum finally answered.

“Hello? Belle baby is that you?”

“Yes mum it’s me” I said rolling my eyes.

“Oh sweetie I havn’t talked to you in almost two weeks! I would have called but I’m in the states right now working on a new fashion line with Macys, isn’t that so exciting?” My mum babbled.

“Yeah mum that’s really cool”

“Hopefully you’re not doing anything within the next month because I want you to come visit me! We can visit New York City together- they have the best stores” she continued

“Mum I have to tell-“

“Maybe then you will take up modeling, you have such a nice figure! I could book you an interview or maybe you could even model my clothes!”

“Mum llisten i-“

“Sorry im talking up a storm, I just missed you! I havnt had time to call but im coming home in two months and I have so many gifts for you-“

“MUM!” I yelled into the phone, causing her to finally shut up.


“My cancer is back” I said, tears filling my eyes.

After a long moment of silence, she finally replied “What?” She asked in a small voice.

“I got a call from my doctor.. They think my cancer is back and I have to go in for tests” Tears were streaming down my face.

“Oh baby, don’t cry. It’s going to be okay. I’m taking the first plane to London in the morning; we will go through this together, I’m not leaving you.” I could hear the pain in her voice.

“I have tests next week” I replied

“Ill go with you, its going to be okay. You’re so strong belle” She said, I could hear that she was crying as well.

“Mum I’m so sorry” I sobbed

“Don’t be sorry baby, it’s okay. I love you so much I will make sure nothing happens to you” She replied, her voice shaky.

After about an hour of talking, we decided she would take a plane over tomorrow and we would spend quality time together until the testing and surgeries began. It was only 8 at night but I was exhausted so I said goodbye to my mum and retreated to bed. Before I could even shut off my lights, the doorbell rang. I sighed and made my way down stairs hoping it was Kelly. I wiped away the stray tears and opened the door. My eyes widened as I realized who it was.

“Harry?” I said my voice barely audible.

I watched as his eyes studied my face.

“Belle we need to talk”

if you like my story, read my other one too! I update it more then this one and its a little happier(: Thanks everyone for everything<3

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