The Perfect Night

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Hey everyone! Wow over 500 reads!! Its so unreal like I remember having 50 (: Thanks so much guys for everything. Thanks to those who sent me kind messages and everything, hopefully ill update more often. I know my story is pretty unorganized and stuff but I’m working on making it better. Please enjoy this chapter, comments and votes would be appreciated

I didn’t know what to expect from the date with Harry. To be honest I was feeling so many different things. I was nervous because I didn’t want to cause trouble with my boyfriend but excited because I really enjoyed spending time with Harry. He gave me more attention than Tyler ever did. I put on my best smile and opened the door to see a smiling Harry. My heart nearly melted when I noticed he was carrying flowers.

“Hello love” He said, giving me a lopsided smile and holding out the flowers. “These are for you”

I mentally aww’d, he was being so nice. I blushed and took the flowers. “Let me just put these inside and we can go” I rushed to the kitchen putting them in a vase and admiring how pretty they were. Bringing flowers was such a kind thing to do. I questioned for a minute.. did Tyler ever bring me flowers? Why was I always comparing the two boys? Why was I standing here talking to myself while Harry was waiting? I walked back to the front door where Harry was standing, hands in his chino pockets.

“Ready?” He asked, flashing me a smile.

“Ready” I smiled back, following him to his car.

He even opened my door for me like a real gentlemen. I watched as he jogged to his side, slipping in and starting the car. We had a light conversation as we drove, enjoying each other’s company that is until ‘What makes you beautiful’ came on the radio. Harrys head snapped to me, a look of excitement and liveliness written all over his face.

“Uh oh harry please-“ Harry cut me off by cranking the radio as high as it could go as he screamed the first verse, staring right at me. I flinched, staring back in pure horror as we swerved down the road.

“HARRY, WATCH THE ROAD” I yelled, gripping onto the seat for my dear life.

“EVERYONE ONE ELSE BUT YOUU… BABY YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD LIKE NO BOSY ELSE!” He screamed, not even bothering to stay on tune. He continued to swerve, not paying attention.

“AHH HARRY YOURE GONNA KILL US” I yelled, fearing my life.

He just grinned deviously. “SAY HARRY STYLES IS THE SEXIEST PERSON ALIVE!” he yelled back.


He made a sharp swerve to the right, causing us to almost hit a tree.

“ARE YOU CRAZY!?” I screamed, watching the amusement in his eyes.

“SAY IT!” He said, grinning.


He just laughed as he turned the music down and slowed to a normal pace. If there were any other cars on the road, we would have probably gotten in a crash.

“Where are we going anyway?” I asked.

“It’s a surprise!” He said, happily.

“Oh boy.” I said rolling my eyes. With Harry you never know what he will do next.

“We are almost there” He replied.

We sat in a comfortable silence for another minute until Harry pulled into an abandoned parking lot. I gave him a skeptical look but he just grinned, hoping out of the car. I got out of the car, looking around.

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