19 - Flirts

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Each pretty girl from each team had to live in hell for the time they were gender swapped. They had to duck under admirers and avoid being hit on.

It was traumatizing.


So we all know that Yamaguchi is the prettiest out of the Karasuno girls, but we never get into real detail about what goes on in his everyday school life.


Avoid perverts

Go to classes

Have Lunch and avoid perverts 

Talk with Tsukki 

Go to afternoon classes

Avoid perverts and go to practice

Go home

Now let me just say, he doesn't have just one or two fans, he has over 50 fans! It amazing how he can avoid them all. And of course, he learned from the best, Kiyoko Shimizu.

"Tsukki, they're following me!" Whispered Yamaguchi. Tsukishima looked at the other boys with disgust and led Yamaguchi outside to the courtyard using a different route.

"Sigh, thanks Tsukki!" He said cheerfully. Tsukishima couldn't help but blush at the small boy. "Shut up.."

Aoba Josai 

Oikawa need an army to shoo away his fanboys. This protection squad consisted of Iwaizumi, Makki, Matsunn, Kindaichi, Kunimi, basically the whole team.

Kunimi and Yahaba's jobs were to try and distract the other boys since they were girls, practically sacrificing themselves for their beloved captain.

Kyotani was the physical one. He would threaten anyone who made Oikawa feel petrified, and let me just say, his threats worked.

The Seijoh third years were assigned to accompany Oikawa everywhere while Kindaichi was spying on all of the admirers.

It wasn't bad, and Oikawa was extremely grateful. Often apologizing for making everyone work. But the team didn't mind, they liked knowing that their captain was happy.


Kenma, of course was the center of attention. Kuroo would shuffle from side to side, protecting him was anyone who even tried to talk to him.

Yaku was ready to wallop anyone wh hurt his friend and teammate. The whole team walked in circles with Kenma in the middle so he wouldn't get lost.

Lev and Yamamoto scared off quite a couple of boys, resulting in the praise of Kuroo. They all secretly protected the small pudding head, even if they didn't notice.


Akaashi was the center of attention everywhere. All of the team tried to help guard him, but he would always say that he could handle this himself since he has dealt with much worse (A.K.A. Bokuto).

 The only ones who still stayed anyways were Konoha and Bokuto. The energetic horned owl would jump at anyone who even tried to get close to Akaashi.

"Bokuto-san, please stop. I apologize for his rowdy behavior." Much like Kiyoko from Karasuno, he is quiet and acts like his normal self.

Konoha and him would often talk to eachother, about school, problems, etc. The older of the two would try to help Akaashi as much as he could.

And the two third years realized a very important lesson:

Never try to take care of a god.


I might not be able to get a chap out tmr cuz of my art classes.

I'll try to update tho.



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