15 - Feline

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It was a normal Sunday, the Karasuno volleyball team were just at their houses. Some of them practiced volleyball from the time they woke up to the time they got a text from Daichi.

Meet up at the Gym at 3:00

Nekoma is coming!

Hinata was most excited and probably her first one to get there because:

1. He would see Kenma and Yaku

2. They were having a practice match

Sugawara was also excited. He and Yaku have become friends after another practice match. 

At Nekoma

Yaku showed up to school when he was girl, so the team suspected that Kenma was as well since he was absent these past few days.

Kuroo hasn't even seen him once and he wasn't answering his texts like normal. "Guys, Kenma's a girl! He might not even show up." Said Yaku.

"Yeah..But even so." Kuroo pouted and insisted on waiting for the small cat.

"What? You like him?" Asked Yaku bluntly. "Yaku!" A blushing hyena faced him with his arms waving around in the air.

"Yaku-san, I never knew such a cute person like you would say something like that!" Exclaimed Lev.

You could hear some screams and slapping in the background, it was treacherous . Finally, Kenma came.

His short hair waved around a bit as he slowly crept up to face the boys and one girl. "Kenma!" Kuroo practically leaped into him making eachother tumble and roll.

Since everything was okay now, they headed to Karasuno.

The Match

Everyone thought that the boy looked incredibly adorable for his size and looks. "Kenma!" Called Hinata, who was waving to him.

"Oh..Hey, Shoyo." He slightly smiled and waved back which made the cat captain extremely jealous.

"Hey! Yaku! How are you?" Asked Sugawara. They began to chat and now Lev knew what it felt like to envy someone. He couldn't exactly control himself and straight up pulled Yaku away from him.

The game went on fine. Nothing was too bad and Kenma wa s the center of attention. It ended with the score 1-2, 2-1, and 1-2 which meant Karasuno won this time around.

Some actually wondered on how and why they won since Nekoma is usually pretty feisty. But, I think we have a clear answer:

Kenma is too pretty and distracted everyone.


How is it?

Plz give feedback!

Oh, special announcement 


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Thank you all SO MUCH!!!

I was very excited and wanted to share it with you all ;)



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