Part 11

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"Kenma how many times do I have to tell you that you need to eat your vegetables?", Kuroo groaned holding out his chopsticks with a piece of brokkoli in between them.

"We ate pizza, Kuroo", Kenma defended himself "no one ate vegetables".

"Yeah but they usually do and you need those vitamins", Kuroo lectured him.

"I don't want to", Kenma pouted "where did you even get that at night?"

"Just eat it already", Kuroo held it closer to his mouth but Kenma pressed his lips closed.

"Kenma I dare you to eat that brokkoli and now come on and join the game", Tanaka spoke up and left no room for a discussion so Kenma just huffed and took the bowl from a very happy Kuroo.

"Bokuto truth or dare", Kenma said between chews.

"Dare of course", Bokuto announced proudly.

"I thought so", Kenma grinned before frowning at his brokkoli "make Kuroo eat some brokkoli as well".

"You know I don't care right?", Kuroo raised a brow.

"Yeah but then there is less of it left for me", Kenma smirked evily "and you are the one to help me cheat".

"Evil genius", Kuroo cursed as he got fed with brokkoli by Bokuto who turned his gaze elsewhere.

"Hey Tsukki", he spoke up.

"I told you to stop calling me Tsukki", Tsukishima groaned.

"Oh yeah I forgot you hate it when someone calls you that", Bokuto frowned.

"Hey Tsukki are you okay? I heard you yelling", Yamaguchi asked and joined the game as well.

"Perfectly fine", Tsukishima smiled at his best friend and Bokuto gaped at him.

"So unfair", he mumbled glaring at a smirking Tsukishima "why does he get to call you that?"

"Because I like him the best", Tsukishima stated plainly and Yamaguchi blushed.

"Anyways", Bokuto pouted "truth or dare?"

"Truth", Tsukishima said raising a daring brow at Bokuto.

"What is this between you and Yamaguchi?", Bokuto asked him sounding really interested.

"Love", Tsukishima stated matter of factly and Yamaguchi blushed but smiled at Tsukishima "and I don't think we need to hide that".

"Ohoho?", Kuroo spoke up "that's a true man speaking. Be a little more like Tsukki, Bokuto".

Tsukishima rolled his eyes at the nickname only Yamaguchi was allowed to call him but kept quiet.

"What? Akaashi and me are proud of our love and not keeping it a secret from anyone", Bokuto spoke up and Akaashi groaned at his bluntness "you on the other hand should really learn from Tsukki and me. I am not even sure that Kenma knows you are in a relationship".

"I do know thank you very much", Kenma glared at Fukurodani's captain with an icy stare while he lowered his phone slowly, the empty brokkoli bowl set aside already "and it's none of your business but when I am alone with Kuroo I am not touching my phone even once".

"I am impressed", Bokuto grinned at his friend who was smiling at his smaller boyfriend.

"How did you even know about Kuroo and me?", Kenma asked laying his phone aside.

"Well Kuroo called me for...", Bokuto started but Kuroo slapped his arm.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, you owl", Kuroo death glared him.

"You gotta tell us", Tsukishima grinned evilly.

"Yeah I really wanna know now too", Kenma looked at his boyfriend confused.

"I am kind of afraid what you guys are talking about", Akaashi eyed them both suspiciously.

"I won't tell you a thing if Kuroo doesn't want it", Bokuto stated.

"Man you are a real friend", Kuroo smiled at him relieved.

"But I dare you to tell us", Tsukishima spoke up.

"Damn now I gotta tell them, Kuroo", Bokuto groaned.

"You are a fucking dumbass, Bokuto", Kuroo rolled his eyes.

"Tell us already", Kenma pushed him.

"He called me to ask me about how gay sex worked because he didn't want to search the internet for that topic afraid of what might show up", Bokuto informed everyone else "I swear to god that was the most fucked up phone call I ever had".

"Kuroo that's", Kenma turned to his boyfriend who had lost his coolness and was hiding his face "so considerate of you".

"Huh?", Kuroo looked up at his smaller boyfriend.

"I mean, you just wanted to take good care of me and not hurt me", Kenma cupped Kuroo's face "I mean that's what friends are for, right? To help you. Guess I need to thank Bokuto now".

"I am glad you had a good time", Bokuto scratched the back of his head blushing slightly.

"Oh not only one time", Kenma grinned.

"Who would have thought Kenma could be so outgoing?", Akaashi smiled at the boy then turned to his own boyfriend "and I am proud of you for maturely helping your friend".

"Yeah, man. I don't think I have properly thanked you for that", Kuroo adressed his friend "I was really freaking out and I just needed someone to calm me down".

"That's what friends are for, buddy", Bokuto smiled at him.

"It's good that you had someone you could ask", Asahi spoke up looking a little pale "I was all on my own with the internet... and Noya".

"I am quite sure Noya found all the wrong information", Tanaka mused out loud and Noya fell into a laughing fit.

"I mostly found gay porn but that's really nothing that would help you in that kind of situation", Noya said after calming down.

"Yeah, I am glad that you got that enlightenment", Asahi huffed a laugh "I didn't want our first time to be like a porn movie".

"It was a mess though", Noya laughed.

"Of course it was", Asahi threw his hands up laughing "it was our first time after all. It was perfect though because it was with you".

"Asahi", Noya cooed "I love you so much".

"I love you too", Asahi smiled as he leant in to kiss his boyfriend softly until everyone around them started hollering and they parted. Asahi was blushing furiously but was smiling nonetheless.

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