Part 2

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"I am gay, Asahi", Suga spoke and looked to the ground squeezing his eyes shut as if he was expecting Asahi to yell at him. As if the gentle giant would ever do anything like that.

"Okay", Asahi spoke as if he had just confirmed the time for a meeting or something.

"Okay?", Suga opened his eyes to look up at his friend confused.

"Yeah, okay", Asahi shrugged "I mean... I don't care if you are into boys or girls or both. It's okay".

"Do you really think so?", Suga asked with wide eyes "don't you think I am disgusting?"

"What?", Asahi made wide eyes "why would I think that? You are still my best friend. It's not like you told me that you are into children or something. You just love guys. That's totally fine".

"I...", Suga started crying again.

"Oh shit", Asahi suddenly put the pieces together and pulled Suga into his arms "is this what the fight was about?"

Suga nodded into his shoulder as he hugged Asahi back.

"You told your parents", Asahi concluded "didn't you?"

Suga nodded again and sobbed into his shoulder.

Asahi felt the anger bubble up inside him. He was angry at Suga's parent's that made him feel bad and angry at anyone who made it hard for people to out themselves. It was just not fair that Suga had to feel bad just because he wasn't into girls.

"What did they say?", Asahi sounded so angry that Suga pulled back to look if it was really Asahi, but when the boy noticed he lifted his hands in apology "I am sorry. I didn't want to scare you".

"It's okay", Suga assured him "I told them that I was gay yesterday at dinner. I have known for quite a while now I guess and I thought I had to tell them. After all they are my parents and they have always been there for me. I had no reason to not be honest with them I thought".

"What did they say to you?", Asahi asked partly angry and partly sad for what his best friend had to go through and still does go through.

"My dad started yelling at me that he didn't raise me to be this way. As if that had any influence on it but he wouldn't listen to me. He said that I was a disappointment and that he didn't want a son that was gay. He said he couldn't look me in the eyes anymore and left the dinner table when I had started crying", Suga told him and Asahi nearly started crying himself. Scratch that he did start crying.

"What about your mom?", he then asked with a raspy voice.

"She was silent at first, I guess she didn't know what to say. She was surprised but not mad. Well not at me anyway. As my father had yelled at me she started yelling at him. She said that even if this was a surprise for her as well I was still their son and still the same if I loved girls or not. She followed him out the room and I went to bed and I heard them yelling for hours."

"Do you regret telling them?", Asahi asked cautiously.

"Not really", Suga admit "at least now I know how they truly feel about me. I am really hurth though".

"Of course you are", Asahi smiled at him sympathetically "did you talk to your mom after that?"

"No, I left early this morning so I didn't have to see my dad", Suga informed him.

"You should tell her where you are and that you are okay", Asahi suggested "well mostly okay anyway".

"You're right", Suga nodded and pulled out his phone to call his mom and Asahi smiled at him encouragingly.

He heard the beeping and waited for his mother to pick up the phone.

"Koushi", his mother sighed into the phone relieved "honey are you okay? Where are you now?"

"I am okay, mom", Suga spoke into the phone "Asahi offered for me to stay over. I just wanted to tell you, so you won't worry".

"I am so sorry Koushi" his mom apologized "you didn't deserve what your father said. I am still trying to talk to him but he is so stubborn".

"You don't need to apologize", Suga said "you have done nothing wrong, mom".

"Neither have you, honey", she said and Suga sobbed "he had no right to say this. I love you so much without any condition. Okay?"

"I love you too mom", Suga smiled slightly while tears ran down his cheeks "I will stay over at Asahi's though. I can't see him now. I am sorry that you have to deal with this because of me".

"I understand. And you should not worry about me. Just know that I love you and I miss you", she said and blew a kiss through the phone "make sure to tell Asahi and his mom my thanks".

"I will", Suga nodded although she couldn't see "bye mom".

"Bye honey", she said and they ended the call.

"What did she say?", Asahi asked as they continued walking down the street.

"She said she loves me and that my dad is wrong and she tries to talk to him", Suga told him "she said I don't have to worry and she said I should tell you her thanks".

"Glad I can help", Asahi smiled "I am sorry that you have to feel like that".

"I am feeling a bit better already", Suga said and genuinely smiled at Asahi "thank you".

"You're very welcome", Asahi smiled "I am just trying to give something back. I think it's the worst that not everyone is met with the same support and love that I received".

"Wait what?", Suga asked as they stood in front of Asahi's house which said boy unlocked the door of and turned around at the question.

"Oh I totally forgot to mention", Asahi smiled and scratched the back of his neck "I am gay too".

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