Part 3

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"You're...", Suga gaped at him but was interrupted by an annoyed whine.

"Asahiiiiiiii, what took you so long? I have been waiting since forever and your sister kept asking weird questions", Noya pouted when he appeared but that expression soon made room for one of concern when Noya saw Suga standing beside Asahi in the doorway "oh, hey Suga. Are you okay?"

"Hello Noya", Suga greeted his team mate surprised to see him there "I am...".

"He will be okay", Asahi smiled "and he will stay with us for the night".

"Us?", Suga questioned.

"Yeah us", Asahi confirmed towards Suga as he leant down to kiss Noya's forehead when he walked inside the house and then proceeded to talk to Noya "I hope she didn't bother you too much. What did she ask anyways?"

"She asked what I liked more", Noya started casually talking "playing volleyball or having sex with you".

"Seriously?", Asahi groaned then raised his voice "for the lords sake, Kou. Stop bothering my boyfriend!"

"Calm down, Asahi", she yelled back as she emerged from the living room "we were just talking. We had a lot of fun".

"Did you now?", Asahi raised an eyebrow.

"Noya gave me a real fun reply", she smirked and Asahi looked a bit terrified.

"I feel like I shouldn't leave the two of you alone", Asahi sighed.

"Yeah, you shouldn't", Noya pouted "I missed you".

"We just played volleyball like an hour ago", Asahi defended himself.

"Anyways", Noya shrugged.

"Is mom home yet?", Asahi then asked his sister. 

"Yeah, she is in the kitchen", Kou said and returned to the living room.

Asahi put off his shoes and put them to the side just like Suga who listened to everything while his mind tried to process it.

"Wait, what did you answer her anyway?", Asahi asked before going to the kitchen.

"Are you curious?", Noya smirked at him.

"Maybe", Asahi grinned back at him.

"Balls are balls", Noya shrugged.

"Why did I even ask?", Asahi groaned and shook his head.

"So the two of you are together, huh?", Suga spoke up and the other two boys had forgotten he was there for a minute and turned to look at him surprised.

"Oh, sorry Suga. I forgot you were here", Noya scratched his neck and grinned at him "but yeah, me and Asahi are together. We have been for two months now. I know we should have told everyone but we wanted to keep negativity away and decided to only tell our families at first. I hope you can accept it and you are not mad or something".

"I am...", Suga took a deep breath and willed his sadness away because he was really glad that his friends found each other "really really happy for the two of you".

"Thank you", Noya grinned at him but it fell again when he looked at Suga closely "but you are not okay. I can see that. What's bothering you?"

"Hey Suga I will go talk to my mom. Is it okay for me to tell her?", Asahi asked before Suga could answer Noya but the small boy waited uncharacteristically patient for an answer from the silver haired boy.

"Yeah, tell her the whole story. I want her to know the truth especially when you are so kind to me, she deserves to not get any excuses", Suga said "Noya should know as well".

"It's best if you just follow me to the kitchen then", Asahi smiled at both of them "my mom will be happy to see you again".

And so they all walked to the kitchen together.

"Hey mom", Asahi hugged her as he entered the kitchen as the other two stood behind him.

"Hello darling", she smiled as she turned around "oh, Koushi I haven't seen you in a while. Asahi hasn't told me that you are coming over".

"I am sorry to intrude", he bowed before her but she pushed him back into a standing position.

"Oh dear stop with that", she smiled "there is always room for friends at our table. Just feel at home".

Suga's eyes started watering at her words. How could a woman he barely knew say something like that while his father hated him?

"About that mom", Asahi spoke up seriously and his mother looked at him concerned "can Suga stay over for the night and maybe some more?"

"Well of course he can if his parents are okay with it", she agreed before she asked for more information "but why won't he go home? Are his parents on a journey or something?"

"Um... no", Asahi looked over to Suga who nodded and then turned back to his mom "Suga came out to his parents yesterday and his father was really angry. His mother is trying to get some sense into him but he said some really hurtful things and Suga can't be around him. He has talked to his mom and let her know that he is with me. I couldn't let him go home where he feels like he is wrong mom".

"Oh darling, I am so proud of you and your big heart", she smiled at her son then walked over to Suga "Koushi you can stay for as long as you want. And I know I am not your family but you should know that you are a wonderful person no matter who you love and you are loved. Don't be ashamed. Asahi was afraid to tell us as well but we support him no matter what and I am sorry that you don't get that support from your dad. But you have to keep your head up, sweetie".

"Thank you", Suga whispered as he cried silent tears and Asahi's mom kissed his head and returned to the stove.

"I am really sorry Suga", Noya said as he pulled him into his arms "I don't care what your dad thinks, you are a fantastic person. Asahi and I can be your dads from now on".

It was stupid but it got the first honest laughter out of him.

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