Part 4

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They all sat at the dinner table eating green curry when suddenly Kou eyed the three boys suspiciously and started talking.

"This isn't some kind of triangle relationship, is it?", Kou asked "I mean I am already scarred enough. I can't accept a threesome next door".

"Kou!", Asahi scolded as his mother only snorted then he sighed "how are you not scolded for saying things like that".

"Because mom thinks the same", Kou rolled her eyes and their mother snorted again.

"Mom", Asahi scolded her and Noya started laughing as well.

"I love this family", Noya said as he wiped away a tear of laughter.

"We love you too, Yuu", Asahi's mom said as she stood up to put her dishes away "Kou come help me wash the dishes while the boys set up a futon for Koushi".

Kou groaned but obliged her mother's order. The boys all put their dishes in the sink before heading upstairs.

"Do you want to take a shower, Suga?", Asahi asked him "I could lend you some of my clothes".

"That would be great, thank you", Suga nodded "I am sorry for the inconvenience".

"Would you stop it already?", Asahi raised a brow "you are welcome here and we are happy to be around you".

"I was too tired for sex anyway today so you are the perfect excuse Suga", Noya winked at him "I can always rely on you".

Suga laughed as Asahi handed him a towel and some clothes before he left for the bathroom.

"Leave it to you to make me sound like someone who wouldn't accept no for an answer", Asahi glared at Noya playful.

"I think we all know that you are the most caring person in existence and would rather ask twice for anything. You would never do anything without explicit consent", Noya smiled at him "I just wanted to cheer him up".

"I know", Asahi smiled back and leant in to finally really kiss Noya "you are perfect Yuu".

"I am not but I accept the compliment", Noya smiled as he looked into Asahi's eyes "I am so glad you brought him here. He seems so broken. I have never seen him like this".

"Well it's no wonder", Asahi exhaled "can you imagine that your family despises you because you are in love with me".

"Well they are in love with you too so, no", Noya smiled shortly but then turned serious again "but for real, I can't. My parents were so cool about it and said they are good as long as I am happy. It's so unfair that Suga can't have this. Especially he who always does everything he can to make everyone around him feel good gets treated like a criminal for being in love".

"I know I was so angry", Asahi agreed.

"You? Angry?", Noya looked impressed "that's pretty sexy actually".

"Of course you would think so", Asahi laughed and pulled Noya into another kiss "I love you".

"I love you too", Noya smiled and turned his head when the door opened and Suga returned from his shower.

"Hey Suga", Noya smiled his way as he walked inside "I am gonna go take a shower next. I will be quick".

Noya left the room and Asahi and Suga put the futon for Suga on the floor. When they finished Noya had returned and Asahi went to take a shower.

"Hey Suga umm", Noya started as he sat down on Asahi's bed "I just wanted you to know that I am there if you need me".

"Thanks Noya", Suga attempted a smile at the libero "it's just really stressful and it hurts a lot".

"I am really sorry you have to go through this all, but Asahi and I will be by your side", Noya stated "you don't have to go through this alone".

"He is right, you know?", Asahi said as he appeared in the doorway "you are not alone in this".

"You guys are amazing", Suga smiled a little and then yawned open mouthed. 

"Yeah I am tired as well", Asahi huffed a laugh as he sat down next to Noya.

"You know it's really weird seeing the both of you with your hair down", Suga remarked as he looked at his friends "not a bad weird, just it's so different".

"I know I was surprised when I saw Asahi like that as well", Noya smiled at his boyfriend "it suits him though. But I look even smaller next to him now".

"You two really make a good couple you know?", Suga told them honestly "I hope that I get to have that one day".

"I am sure you will", Noya smiled "and we will be there to tell you".

"Hey Suga can I ask you something?", Asahi asked and looked at him interested.

"Sure go ahead", Suga nodded at him.

"How did you notice?", Asahi told him his question "that you are into boys I mean".

"I noticed because I developed feelings for someone", Suga told them after exhaling deeply "so I figured that I am into guys after all".

"For whom?", Noya asked and Asahi looked at him like he shouldn't push Suga if he wasn't ready to tell them "if you are comfortable sharing it with us that is".

"It's alright", Suga assured Asahi "I think I am in love with Daichi".

"I knew it", Asahi grinned.

"What?", Suga gasped at him.

"The two of you are just so close and I don't know you just make a perfect team", Asahi shrugged.

"So you just suspected that because he is a close friend of mine?", Suga asked perplexed.

"Well I fell for one of my closest friends as well and noticed that I was gay because of that as well", Asahi shrugged "I have to know".

"Yeah me too", Noya grinned.

"I see", Suga thought out loud "but you can't tell him please".

"Of course we won't", Asahi assured him "but you should when you feel comfortable with it".

"Yeah you never know if he feels the same", Noya agreed.

"I just need some time", Suga mumbled and the two boys nodded in understandment "good night".

"Night", the other to said as they cuddled up on the bed as Suga fell asleep on his futon.

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