Part 9

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"Hey hey hey", Noya exclaimed as Daichi opened the door "guess who's here".

"Well based on the greeting I'd say it was Kuroo and Bokuto but I am happy it's you and not them", Daichi laughed as he opened the door wide to let his friends and the Azumane family in.

Last was Suga and Daichi took his hand as he closed the door behind them.

"I am glad you are here now", Daichi said as he leant in to peck Suga's lips softly.

"Yeah me too", Suga smiled at his boyfriend "I talked to my mom earlier. We met after school. It was so good to see her and she said she misses me so much but she understands that I can't go home to see him. It hurt so much, Daichi".

Daichi pulled him into his arms when Suga started crying.

"I am so sorry, Suga", Daichi whispered into his ear "I am so sorry that this is happening to you".

"It was so good to see her though", Suga sniffled into his shoulder "I am glad I am with you now".

"I will always be here for you, Suga", Daichi kissed his temple "I love you so much".

"I love you too", Suga smiled at him after lifting his head and Daichi wiped away the tears from his cheeks "thank you for taking me in".

"Thank you for staying with me although it troubles you so much", Daichi smiled at him sadly.

"Daichi no... being with you is the best thing in my life right now", Suga cut him off "it's not your fault that my dad doesn't accept me. I am like this if he wants it or not. And I love you. And if he doesn't accept that, then I don't need him in my life. But I need you in my life".

"I need you too", Daichi kissed him again this time deeper but still soft.

"Dinner's almost ready", they heard Daichi's mom exclaim loudly from the kitchen and they made their way to the dinner table.

"Thank you for taking me in", Suga smiled at Daichi's parents "it means a lot".

"Don't worry about it, sweetheart", Daichi's mom said "we were so happy when Daichi told us about the two of you".

"You didn't even let me tell you and just assumed everything on your own", Daichi rolled his eyes.

"My mom will bring over some of my stuff for our weekend trip", Suga informed "I hope it's not too much of a disturbance".

"Oh sweetie stop saying this", Daichi's mom said "we are happy that you are here. It's just sad that Daichi's sister is staying over at their grandparents house for a few days. I am sure she would have loved to spent time with you as well".

"Thank you", Suga smiled at her.

"It's really nice that your mom brings your stuff over so you can pack early on", Daichi's dad spoke up.

"You too should start packing right after practice", Suga said to his friends.

"I have an appointment tomorrow after practice", Asahi said then saw Suga's concerned face and reassured him "nothing serious though".

"Okay", Suga smiled at him "just remember to pack your bags for training camp. We are driving early saturday morning".

"Noya will help me pack my stuff", Asahi smiled but was cut off by his sister.

"Yeah I am sure he will only pack condoms", she teased her brother who currently seemed to cough himself to death out of shock.

"Unfair!", Noya exclaimed pointing at her with his fork "I will also pack his sports wear. I can't let everyone see him in his naked glory".

"Oh god", Asahi groaned "not again. Why do you keep on embarassing me?"

"Well I don't think it is embarassing to use protection, son", Asahi's mom spoke up.

"Suga, please kill me", Asahi turned to his best friend "if I am your friend, kill me now".

"I am pretty sure it would be a good distraction if Asahi would be naked", Daichi mused loudly "I mean they wouldn't expect that".

"I am the only one that should be distracted by a naked Asahi", Noya complained.

"It's not like anyone else would want to see him naked", Kou teased.

"Kou stop it", her mother interjected "your brother is an attractive young man".

"Here Suga", Asahi handed him his knife "do it already".

"I can't kill you", Suga lay the knife down on the table "we need our ace to compete against the others".

"Yeah but dressed", Noya glared at Daichi who just smirked "on the field at least".

"Mr. and Mrs. Sawamura, I am really sorry", Asahi apologized to Daichi's parents "I swear nothing weird happens on our trips".

"I think this evening is quite amusing", Daichi's mom spoke up.

"Indeed", Daichi's father added "but I agree with Nishinoya here. You should not play volleyball naked. Think about all the nasty burning that your skin would have to take from diving for the ball".

"Yeah, sir. I promise I won't play volleyball naked", Asahi blushed a deep shade of red.

"You better not", Noya whispered and leant in to kiss Asahi's cheek.

"Just promise me not to tell Bokuto or Kuroo about it. I am fairly certain they would feel dared and take the challenge and I can't handle them like they are so I couldn't handle them naked", Daichi paled while thinking about it.

"Yeah, promise", Suga agreed as well as Noya and Asahi "we won't say a single word about naked volleyball".

"But tell me about your training camp buddies", Daichi's mom smiled "they seem to be fun companions".

"They are", Daichi smiled when he told his family about the players of Nekoma and Fukorudani.

It was a fun evening after all and everyone laughed plenty of times and in Asahi's case a lot of blushing was involved. They parted late and Daichi and Suga immediatly left for bed after saying goodbye to their friends and Suga thanked the Azumane family once again. Daichi patted the spot next to him on his bed when Suga seemed to be unsure of where to go to sleep. They curled up on the bed together, Daichi holding Suga tight and Suga hadn't slept as good as in this night in a few weeks.

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