Part 8

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"Mom, Dad", Daichi stepped into the kitchen where his parents sat after he returned home from school "I need to talk to you".

"Oh god, sweetie", his mom rushed over to him "did something happen? Is everthing well in school? Is it about volleyball? Did you get into a fight? Did Asahi leave the team again? You were so down about that last time. Oh my god, did something happen to Koushi?"

"Well no he is fine" Daichi answered only the last question to calm his mother down "well mostly anyway".

"This is about him though, am I right?", his father asked putting the newspaper aside and focusing on his son.

"Partly yes", Daichi nodded and his mom gestured for him to sit down while she did the same.

"So recently I discovered something about myself and...", Daichi started trying to get some logic into his words.

"Are you sick, honey?", his mother asked him concerned.

"No mom, I am perfectly healthy", Daichi assured her smiling as she exhaled a breath of relief "so as I was trying to say I discovered that I am not like I thought I was...".

"Are you trying to say that you are really a girl?", his father asked him perfectly calm "because we would love you anyway you know".

"I am not saying that I am a girl, dad", Daichi stated and sighed "I did not think that it would be so hard to come out to you".

"So you are gay", his mother smiled at him "it wasn't so hard after all, huh?"

"I guess it was not", Daichi mumbled "so you are okay with that, right?".

"Of course we are", his mother stated and his father nodded along "but that's not all you wanted to say right?"

"No, there is something else", Daichi admit "something about someone...".

"Are you telling me what I think you are telling me?", his mother asked with sparkling eyes.

"Us", his father corrected "he is telling us".

"So are you?", she asked again.

"Well I...", Daichi scratched the back of his head.

"Did your mom and I win that bet?", his father asked thrilled to hear the answer "are you telling us that?"

"Well I am trying to but you keep on interrupting me", Daichi groaned frustrated "will you listen to me now?"

"Yes, promise", his mother said and motioned for him to go on "tell us already".

"Me and Suga are dating", Daichi said smiling brightly and huffing a laugh as his parents high fived upon hearing this information.

"I knew you two would end up together", his father smiled at him.

"Suga is such a nice boy", his mom added and looked dreamily.

"He is", Daichi agreed and then turned serious "hey mom and dad. I am really grateful that you accept our relationship and me for that matter. Thank you for loving me no matter what".

"Oh sweetie but that's just natural", his mother looked at him concerned.

"It's not", Daichi looked at them sadly.

"Suga's father, huh?", Daichi's dad asked him and his son nodded "he has always been rather stubborn and old fashioned".

"He despised him and Suga left home for now while his mother tries to get everything back to normal as if it would be that easy. But she is doing her best", Daichi explained.

"Where is he staying?", his mother went into mom-mode.

"He is staying over at Asahi's house", Daichi informed them "his mom took him in when Asahi took him home with him right after it had happened. Suga hadn't talked to me back then because he was afraid after what his dad did. We only got together after I got jealous because I thought he liked Asahi better than me. Well I didn't know that Asahi was dating Noya but still... anyways can he stay with us from now on?"

"That's a pretty messed up get together story", his father commented "it fits you two somehow, you never took the easy way".

"I guess you are right", Daichi grinned.

"Of course he can stay here, sweetie", Daichi's mom assured him and stood up "I am gonna prepare dinner for one more. Also let's have a dinner with the Azumane family soon for taking good care of our soon to be son in law".

"Mom, we just got together...", Daichi said but stopped himself "ugh who am I even kidding? I hope he marries me some day".

"That's the spirit", his father made that not bad face at him.

"And we predicted it", his mother cooed.

"I am gonna call him now", Daichi stood up "for when should I invite the Azumane family over?"

"If they want they can just come over with him right away. I have enough food over here", his mother shrugged "and Noya is welcome as well of course".

"Okay I am gonna ask them to join us for dinner", Daichi nodded "excuse me for a moment".

He left the room and dialed Suga's number.

"Hey Daichi", Daichi could hear him smile through the phone and hear Noya snicker in the background.

"Hey Suga", Daichi smiled to himself "can you put me on speaker phone?"

"Sure", Suga said and shuffled with his phone "can you hear us all?"

"Yeah I can hear you! Okay so I just talked to my parents and they are totally fine as predicted and are okay with you staying over here as well", Daichi told them.

"I am so glad they are fine with us", Suga was honestly happy for Daichi that his father was not an asshole like his.

"They also want to invite you all for dinner in a few hours because you took care of their and I quote 'hopefully soon to be son in law'", Daichi said blushing and unbeknownst to him Suga blushed as well.

Asahi went down to tell his mom who agreed happily and Daichi told his parents they would all come over.

"See you soon", Daichi spoke into his phone before he ended the call after saying "I love you, Suga".

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