Part 10

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It was training camp time and the boys were all sweaty and exhausted when it came to an end. They had all grown closer after the last few camps and decided to hang out together and eat.

Their trainers ordered them plenty of pizza while they all went to take a shower. Then they all met in one of the sleeping rooms. They decided on Karasuno's room as they had fewer players so everyone who wanted to go to sleep could leave and sleep in one of the other two rooms.

They ate, and talked about the championship ahead of them and about school and their lifes in general. It was late at night already and many of the boys went to sleep. A few stayed behind and sat in a circle on the futons that were lying on the floor. 

Kuroo and Bokuto were grinning at each other while Akaashi and Kenma rolled their eyes at them. Noya and Asahi were sitting really close as well as Daichi and Suga but nobody seemed to care. Hinata and Kageyama were talking in riddles for everyone else while Tsukishima tried to fend off the captains from the other teams that were trying to drag him into their business while Yamaguchi tried to push him to at least talk to them.

Everyone was minding their business until Tanaka returned from dragging a sleeping Yamamoto to bed and announced that they should all play truth or dare.

"What?", Asahi immediatly blushed "why do we need to play that game?"

"What do you mean 'why'", Tanaka raised a brow at him "because it's fun! Why wouldn't you want to play? Do you have something to hide, Asahi?"

"What? Of course not", Asahi stuttered although he had a lot to hide actually.

"Then let's start playing", Noya cheered and grinned at his best friend "who is in?"

"Everyone obviously", Tanaka decided for the rest of the squad and Suga snickered at the bluntness of his friend.

"Don't look so scared Asahi", Suga playfully ellbowed him in the ribs and Asahi flinched and hissed in pain.

"Oh shit are you okay Asahi?", Noya immediatly asked and lay a hand on his shoulder.

"You really have a low pain tolerance huh?", Daichi asked their ace.

"You're wrong Daichi", Noya shushed him then turned to Asahi again "does it hurt much?"

"It's okay", Asahi assured him and smiled at him softly "he just hit the spot".

"Um I am sorry", Suga apologized to his friend "I didn't intend to hurt you".

"I know Suga, it's alright", Asahi answered him.

"Is everything alright with your ribs? Did you hurt yourself during practice?", Suga asked concerned.

"No, it's just sore", Asahi scratched the back of his neck.

"Your ribs?", Daichi questioned.

"I um...", Asahi scurried for words "I got... um... I".

"Asahi got a tattoo on his ribs", Noya blurted out as Asahi himself couldn't find the words.

"Yeah sure as if Asahi would voluntarily take pain", Daichi laughed and everyone else around them grinned as well.

"No, he is right", Asahi finally found his voice "I really got myself tattooed".

"What?!", everyone seemed to ask at the same time.

"Well I...", Asahi took a deep breath "it's as you said. I was always too afraid of everything and I thought that I could confront one of those fears by doing something I usually wouldn't do. So I got this tattoo to remind myself that I am stronger than my fears and also that I am never alone even if my fears are overwhelming. That my team is always with me and has my back".

As he told this he lifted up his shirt and revealed a small word on his right ribcage.

"Fight" was written in a nice font accompanied by a small crow spreading it's wings.

"I know it's just ink but I feel better whenever I look at it", Asahi smiled down at the word "I feel less alone and my fears feel smaller. I know it may seem stupid to you...".

"This is amazing, Asahi", Suga spoke up first.

"It's so cool", Tanaka had sparkling eyes when he praised the tattoo.

"I am sorry I laughed at you, Asahi", Daichi apologized "you are right, we always stay right behind you and have your back. You should know this even without the tattoo but I am proud of you for facing your fear and also it's really cool".

"Thank you Daichi", Asahi nodded at him sincerely "I am used to your teasing though. I really like the tattoo as well".

"It's so hot too", Noya grinned and earned himself some weird glances.

"Why did you even know about the tattoo, Noya?", Tanaka raised a brow at his best friend suspiciously.

"Because Asahi tends to be naked when we have sex", Noya answered matter of factly.

"You just tend to be naked, Asahi?", Suga questioned his friend.

"What the... no I am always naked", Asahi protested blushing.

"You are a nudist then?", Daichi asked next and Asahi groaned.

"Of course I am not", he defended what was left of his pride.

"Right he can't be or we would have seen the tattoo earlier as well", Suga concluded.

"Right!", Daichi nodded "you are so smart Suga".

"Wait wait wait", Tanaka shut them up effectively "you and Asahi are having sex?"

"Yeah", Noya nodded casually.

"Gods, Yuu. Don't just accept it like that he will think we are fuck buddies or something", Asahi spoke up seriously "we are in a healthy relationship".

"How come you didn't tell me?", Tanaka whined.

"Um... we didn't tell anyone really... it's just... um...", Asahi tried to apologize.

"I am just messing with you Asahi", Tanaka grinned "Noya called me when he had a gay panic over you and I handed the phone over to Saeko because I couldn't really help him. He told me about you though. I just kept the secret".

"Well why were you so surprised just now and asked about it if you knew?", Asahi asked.

"Well we were about to play truth or dare, it was time to tell the truth Asahi", Tanaka shrugged and Asahi was kinda glad that everyone knew now.

They agreed on telling them anyway so he wasn't mad at Tanaka for making him say it out loud.

"I will not stay the only one who has to reveal something", Asahi announced.

"Yeah right", Tanaka grinned evily "let's start playing".

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