Chapter 27

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Receiving that send-off party invitation from Vivian spurred me to start planning my exit from Glenmore. The sweet feelings of returning to Yenzo tingled. Soon I would be reunited with my beloved jewel again. I reclined on the chair in the staff room and began to map out plans for my last days.

I thought of going to the city centre to get her some Valentine's Day gifts. Yenzo loved to be pampered frequently, especially during Valentine season when she liked to be spoilt. Being in a different province wouldn't be enough excuse to skip that.

While her friends and colleagues at work would be flaunting their boyfriends' gifts, she must have something to remind her of me. If not, the dispute could take three weeks to sort out, knowing how much she loved to begrudge.

Then on my return, there would be concrete plans for the special outing I'd promised her. I should take her to an isolated area where the two of us would remain soaked in each other's attention. I savoured that outing in advance.

My exit from Port-Elizabeth should be on Sunday. I'd planned to wrap up classes with my students at the end of the week. I also had my project report to write. Mr Tsepo would be willing to read about my experience far away from the metropolis.

While in town to buy Yenzo's gifts, I should get my bus ticket. Paying a visit to Pumlani's school also came to mind. I wanted to have a feel of his part of the province. But that would depend on whether I had enough time to move around. Otherwise, I would ring him up.

As for Friday, I looked forward to attending the send-off party. It would be nice to dine with the wonderful people of the school. They'd hosted me warmly and made my stay enjoyable.

Classes would not hold on that day. From my schedule, my last lesson would be on Thursday. Probability should be the last Maths topic with those pupils, after which I would bid them goodbye.

Then Saturday, Valentine's Day, how would I manage? There seemed to be a lot of attention seekers hoping that I would hang out with them. Or should I stay indoors and write my report?

"What are you thinking about?" Vivian asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Well, I'm already counting days. Sunday should be my last there here."

"Are you leaving that soon? Not even a day extra, or even two?"

"I would love to, but remember that I must report back to the office Monday morning."

She stood there looking morose, wondering how she would cope with my departure. Well, the same manner she did before I showed up, I thought.

"I'm going to the city to get my bus ticket, just in case the principal comes asking for me. See you soon."

"Okay." Her voice was sad.

On getting to town, the queues at the grocery stores made shopping a tough experience. After meandering through the maze of shelves, I came across hampers specifically packaged for lovers separated by distance.

It had flowers, cards, assorted chocolates, wines amidst other items ladies would cherish. I quickly confirmed if it had white chocolates; Yenzo always loved them.

"Centurion in Gauteng, please!" I beamed when at the counter. The attendant swung into action, wrapped up my stuff and scheduled it to be delivered February 13th.

Then it occurred to me to add one more item to surprise Yenzo. She'd always asked me to get her the latest iPhone. Sending one to her from here would gladden her heart.

"Can I go ahead, sir? Anything else?" The attendant cut in.

"Wait, please."

It took me a few seconds to decide on buying the phone. Much of that time went into thinking about the big hole the device would leave in the pocket. "Include the iPhone," I said, nodding.

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