Chapter 13

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Within a week of my stay in Glenmore, my name was on the lips of most students. Our daily routines seemed entrenched as they embraced the subject better. I could easily tell that I'd won them over from the way they interacted with me in class and even around the school premises.

"Good Morning, Mister Jack." The boys would greet and wave at me whenever I walked past. Some came up with creative nicknames for me. Unsure of my likely reaction to such, they kept the appellations to themselves.

The girls gathered in groups to gossip their new Maths teacher. While I walked by, their eyes escorted me around the school. Those from the lower grades also passed good comments.

It was okay to be spoken about when people appreciated one's efforts. Being associated with a progressive initiative was pleasing. I soaked in the goodwill and kept my head close to the ground.

In what would be a regular Friday routine, the vice-principal sent for me to fetch my groceries. On getting to her office, she was full of smiles.

"The students like your methods. They spoke well of you."

"Thank you, ma'am. I'm only doing my bit."

"Keep up the good work. We like hardworking young men like you. Did you come to the school alone?"

Not sure what she meant, I assumed she'd asked if I came to Landmark with a family member.

"I'm here alone, ma' stay is only for a few weeks."

"Okay. Stay well."

I walked away with two plastic bags of foodstuff and provisions, knowing that half of the stuff would not be consumed. But at least the cereals and eggs would find their way into my ever-ready boiled water.

Later in the day, I teamed up with Andrew and crew for the Friday evening feasting. Our meeting spot was a fairly large restaurant and bar located close to town. People came from distant towns, and teachers from other schools visited too.

Glitzy and decorated with revolving lights, the smell of cigarettes and weeds filled the air. Nerve-wrecking Nigerian Afrobeat sounds and house music dominated the airwaves. Ladies of all sizes thronged the area. Some danced continuously, while others waited on the fringes for their clients.

We got there earlier than most customers, and a waiter promptly attended to us. After settling down to some varieties of small chops and liquors, my colleagues revealed a lot more about Landmark. But the topic of interest was the manner the female teachers freely mingled with their male counterparts.

Andrew lit a stick of cigarette, lodged it between his lips and puffed with head tilted backwards. He had some words of advice for me.

"A good-looking guy like you who works hard daily should have ladies surveying his house every evening. At least you should have six of them. Some will be cooking, others washing and then those that will be massaging your back."

I laughed at his suggestion which sounded like a fiefdom. The other guys nodded in support of his idea.

"On weekends like tomorrow, they should be lining up at your place for your enjoyment."

"I dare not try that; I will lose focus. I know myself too well," I explained.

"Bhuti, the girls are willing to come to your place. You are just too busy to read their signals."

"How do you know that?" I asked, with hands in the air, sounding like a greenhorn.

"You have to bend down a bit. Your height won't let you see their clues. Last week alone, two of the interns came to my place just by tapping my fingers. They are less busy during the weekends and are available for romantic runs."

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