Chapter 25

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Of course, I didn't return home Friday evening. Vivian would hear nothing of the sorts. She kept reminding me that she didn't have a boyfriend, so she couldn't tell when next a suitable man would come around. For all she cared, I'd been posted to Landmark because of her.

I had misjudged her based on how she interacted with people at school. I must say, the lady was tremendously acrobatic in bed. No one, not even Yenzo, had stretched my romantic skills to such elastic limits. She cajoled, tickled, twisted, and even summersaulted.

Whenever I got tired, Vivian took over. She screamed, yelled and poked like a crib amazon, leaving me drained after each round.

She would get up, fetch me something to drink, and then massage my body all over sending me to Zabardast. Then it would be time for tickling my love-girdles and groin. Once I'd started laughing uncontrollably, she would encourage me to start poking all over again. We stayed together 'til Saturday evening.

"I have laundries to do and my school lessons haven't been prepared."

"Oh, okay. At least you have tried."

Looking into my eyes, she asked: "Did you have fun?"

My lips curved inwards as I nodded slowly. Vivian proved to me that looks could be deceiving.

As earlier promised, she dropped me off close to Madiba's compound, a mere twenty-five minutes' drive from where she lived.

Being too dazed and weary to even engage her in a chat, 'til I got off the car, we didn't talk much. The only thing on my mind was to roll into bed and sleep.

Thoughts of Yenzo flashed through my mind as I walked through the gate. I peeped at the sky, but her name no longer appeared. It dawned on me that I'd relegated my sweetheart to the background.

"Let Jo'burg issue remain in Jo'burg; Glenmore issues must stay here. I will discuss with my sweetheart at the right time."

Approaching the hut, I met my window pane shattered on the floor. "Did someone break into Mr Madiba's compound? That's unlikely."

I recalled having closed it Friday morning before leaving for school. What could have damaged my window? Seeing no evidence of storm, I searched around. I observed that another note had been pasted on my door:

"Not just Deliwe. I want a taste of the CAPS too" – Funeka

Being exhausted, those funny pranks should be kept at bay. I staggered slowly through the door, only to find another note on my bed. I picked it up.

"Can we continue from where we stopped?" – Deliwe

PS: I was the one who damaged your window. After knocking several times last night and heard no response, I thought you didn't want to answer. I didn't know what else to do.

These girls must be going nuts. What did they take me for?

I managed to position a fragment of the window in place. I then pulled my clothes off, dusted the bed and dozed off.

For three hours I lay there knocked out. At about 10:47 p.m., a bang on the window woke me up. Someone snooped around, trying to jump into the room.

Thinking it was a burglar, my sleepy eyes aimed for the shoes under the bed to attack the intruder. Just then, a female voice rang out: "You are back now." She jumped into the bed through the damaged window.

My gaze met hers as I barked: "What do you think you are doing, Deliwe?" Thoughts of the problems she caused in the school flushed through me and my voice grew louder. "Didn't we agree that this must be a secret?"

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