The Five Fallen Lords

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Five individuals awake to the sound of crying Which immediately ceased when they fully awoke. Their group consisted of four males and one female, a knight, a nobleman, a thief, a priest, and a begger. They looked around and saw a realm that is dark and haunting which consumed them with a sense of fear and unease. The sky is dark and filled with a cold pressure. The ground consisted of cracks and jagged roads. Before the group came to an understanding of were they were, the priest spoke:

Brother Arthur: Father Abiel save us from this nightmare!!!

The knight and the others looked toward the priest and asked him about there predicament.

Knight: what did you say? Do you know where we are?
Priest: yes. I'm afraid I do, we are in the underworld.
Nobleman: The underworld? You mean we are dead, but how?
Thief: That's impossible, I was on my way to your people's capital when I encountered a strange girl. I remember it as if it happened a moment ago and all she did was chant with a whisper, next thing I know I was here.
Begger: I...I..just wanna go back home!
Priest: The young-lady is right, we are not dead.But what she has said disturbs me greatly. It is possible that each of us came into contact with the mistress of mischief while traveling the roads of prominence.
Knight: Then how do we go home?
Priest: I do not know but, we need to find a way soon less the Unending Legion come for us.
Nobleman: What are you saying, if we die here...
Priest:....our souls will remain here for all eternity.

The knight noticed what looked to be a massive cathedral at the far-end of the jagged road. Just then the priest fell an un-easy chill and noticed the begger on his knees rambling.

Knight: I see a cathedral at the end of this road, we'll head their until we can make sense of all this.
Priest: we need to move now, a voice reaches my mind so enchanting yet wicked, alluring, yet its as if she is crying.
Begger:(panting heavily) she needs me....she's crying out to me.....I..I need to go to her!

The theif slapped the begger to snap him out of it and began moving down the jagged road with him and the nobleman. The knight asked the priest if he was all right with him replying that he can feel thousands all around them and that they were being watched and manipulated. As the five individuals headed toward the cathedral they got to know each other.

Knight: So what's your story Priest?
Brother Arthur: My name is Arthur and I am a Priest of the HighFather, it is through his benevolence that i am blessed with holy-magic and sacred rites. He has tasked me with protecting his children, and you brave knight what's your tale?

Talon: My name is Talon, I was an orphan on the doorstep of the "Drake"
family when they took me in. I worked day after day to earn my skills as a knight and soon, I plan to marry my beloved jolie.

Talon: and what of you cloak & dagger?

Akachi: hm cute and curious, I am Akachi, theif of the desert. I was born in Morowha, the Land of our Mother and our ebony-skin is a blessing from the sun-god Jua. I had a contract in your homeland to steal a priceless artifact you know the rest. And the begger and nobleman?

Lord Siris: I am Lord siris, representative of Ahelissa, a beautiful city of prominence. I was tasked with transferring private documents to the capital.

Phestus: (Fes-tus): I...i am Phestus, I.....was born to a poor family of Genesis. After my parents died, I moved to prominence to try and start a new life.

As they made there way down the road, the sound of crying return to their ears. They looked for the source and soon noticed a giant withering tree with a graceful-like figure under it. She was dressed in a tathered-white robe, her feet were bare, her hair, long and white, and she had the wings of a guardian and demonic. The priest looked at her with a sense of awareness and informed everyone to not get her attention. As she continued to cry, she soon ceased and placed her beautiful piercing-eyes upon phestus.

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