Snake-folk of Morowha

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The race of Lamias or Snake-folk is a species of humanoid/serpentine that existed on the continent of Morowha during the Age of Remnants and the Mythic Age on the continent of Hakon! There is much speculation of this species exact origin, Scholars of Evermore have confirmed that there were two different variants of the race. The Lamias existed during the Age of Myth and lived on the Continent of Hakon. After their confrontation with the Elves, they  migrated to what would eventually be the Isles of Genesis.

 After their confrontation with the Elves, they  migrated to what would eventually be the Isles of Genesis

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The Akh"zam are the Off-spring of Nagendra that were born on the Continent of Morowha. Jua, The Sun-King would discover the existence of this race and have his Legion of The Sun see to their extinction. Xirsi would be sent from the Astral realm with his Lords Legion and clash with the Akh'zam. They would prove no match for the Sun's Legion and be driven into ancient ruins and near-by islands of the coasts of the continent! 

 They would prove no match for the Sun's Legion and be driven into ancient ruins and near-by islands of the coasts of the continent! 

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Keepers of The Old Tales would learn of the unnamed bride of the Wicked-Serpent. She would be born in the southern Kingdom before the "Decree of Unity!" Known only as "The Goddess in Rags," was an orphan of the Capital, but was admired by many for her beauty! eventually, a neighboring enemy of the Southern Region would come to claim the Kingdom. A thousand soldiers stood outside the Kingdom's gate, the orphan would emerge from the gates and stand before the army

They would halt their advance to admire her beauty. She would look upon the soldiers and command them to follow her to end the reign of their ruler and to restore all they had wrought. Eventually she would be visited by Nagendra and devote her body to him. The army that followed her faithfully would become the Cult of The Dark Gods, they would go on to cause several notable events throughout Morowha.

The Akh'zam would resurface during these events and side with Nagendra's bride, causing all kinds of terror throughout the continent. In the modern day it is believed that they still exist!

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