Part-38:Battle of Three Kings!

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During the waning days of the "Orc Chiefs Revolt," Runa, right-hand of the Elven Empress and general of the Elven Army, would push the tribal forces to their breaking point. Among their ranks was Groh' Tash Gru, one of the remaining War-chiefs who had be driven to a state of unending rage towards their former elven overlords. Groh' Tash once served as a captain among his people who had assisted the elves with their war with the Dragons. Eventually, an uprising would occur leading to the Orc's Revolt!

At the site of his fallen, Groh' Tash would assault the Kingdom of Hjalmar with his raiding parties, slaughtering all among the villages and settlements, neither fairy, dwarf, or elf was safe from the Orc-Chief. His infamy would be reported to the Council of The Firstborn after the " Ransacking of Haraldr," "The Death of King Brynjar," and the "Defiling of Queen Ava!" The Ork's would refer to these events as "Revenge of The Fallen!"

With the Orc's gaining momentum from their recent victories, a council meeting would be held in the Kingdom of Hjalmar. Several lords would be in attendance during this gathering, from Lord Eldon, The Divine Elven Prince to Lady Asta, The Radiant Elven Queen. War-Minister, Volundr would calm the frustration of his Lords and reassure them that the numbers of the Orc's Forces would continue to fall as they prolonged their rebellion. He would go on to inform the council that one of the Elven Gods would take the lead in exterminating the remainder of their battle and war-clans.

General Runa, Captain Cecilia, King Aldon, and Lord Eldon would take command of the Ivorborin Forces of the Empire. The conclusion of the Orc Chiefs Rebellion would be settled in the Grand Haven of ERIKER! Groh' Tash Gru along with Varbuk Wumanok, and Krognak Grat had brought their remaining forces, as well as a captive of the war effort against their former masters. Lord Vidarr, Elven God of the Hunt had been captured by The war-Chiefs. The Chiefs would demand the surrender of the Elven Forces for the safe return of one of their most esteemed deity.

Aldon would stand amongst his people and demanded the release of Lord Vidarr, less the Orc's provoke the Elven War God's wrath Varbuk would not heed the warning and personal executed the Elven God with his personal crafted dagger, piercing the heart of Vidarr. The War-God would erupt in outrage at the death of his fellow deity and conjure a massive ball of flame that would devastate the Orcish Forces. Eldon would give the order to his army to slaughter them all. And so began the epic climax of the battle between Orc and Elf.

Cheif Krognak and his brothers would charge recklessly into battle against the larger force of Mer, aiming to take as many of them to the Realm Beyond with them as possible. A brutal blood feud between the two races would result in battered, twisted and pulled apart bodies that decorated such a once peaceful Sanctuary for the many different races of HAKON! Axes flown in the air, elemental blasts of fire and ice casted like second-nature, and the cry of vengeance and Justice filled the atmosphere.

Groh' Tash Gru would clash with the elven war-god, Lord Aldon. Their conflict would rally an ominous gathering of dark clouds. Aldon would unleash his Mysticism upon the Orc-chief, lifting and pushing him back a great distance away with tele-kinetic abilities. Gru would pick up his axe and hurl it with such speed and velocity, it would find it's mark upon Aldon's chest area. Unable to remove it with his own strength, Aldon would conjure a flame spell to melt the weapon and a regenration chant to heal his injures.

The two would engage once more, unable to match the strength of the War-Chief, Aldon would unleash the true power of an Elven Lord. Releasing streams of fire and Frost, conjuring Elmental Guardians of the Forest, all the while keeping his distance. The mighty Orc would fall to his knees, with Aldon channeling the mana within his arch-enemy that would obliterate Groh' Tash Gru from the inside! Seeing the fall of the War-chief, the remaing Ork Forces would flee into the Wastelands of STIGANDR!

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