Legion of The Sun King!

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The Legion of Ayan are the faithful warriors of the Sun-God. During the Age of Darkness, Nagendra would clash with these warriors along with their patron. During "The Great Reformation", Many would flock into their ranks and aided in building many wonders on the continent of Morowha.

These warriors were blessed with the "Ebony Skin", Armor of The Golden Sun, and Sword & Shield imbued in flame and protection against Dark-magics. Among their ranks, is the Champion of Ayan.

Their story is even known before the First Cycle, were they clashed with the Beasts of Infinity and pushed them back into the Void.

Created by Ayan himself, the Legion would be crafted within the Golden Sphere, the form Ayan takes as the sun. He would command his warriors to enforce his rule in the physical plane and Astral plane.

Another most knowable event that they would take part in was the "Second Coming of Nagendra", were the Legion would battle the cult of the dark world.

Jua would fight among his followers During the "Sovereign Alliance", But become inactive during "The Black Sun Crisis" Hala and Ayan would fall into a deep slumber by the Sovereign Rulers in order to end the Age of the Ebony-God's rule over Morowha.

The Legion of the Sun would guard over their Lord, until the Champion and chosen were tasked by Seba, Ebony-God of Wisdom and Knowledge, with awakening Hala and Ayan from their slumber.

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