Part 37: Thief King of Malika!

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Lekan, Southern Region of Malika, Birthplace of Rebellions, Corruption, and beautiful architecture among the ebony people

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Lekan, Southern Region of Malika, Birthplace of Rebellions, Corruption, and beautiful architecture among the ebony people. It is here were a young man would be born and chosen by fate to become the King of Thieves. In the poor district of Yasir, a young boy along with his family would find themselves within the Temple of Victory, Jaheem, a child with skin of ebony, brown hair and brown eyes, and dressed in religious blue and red robes, would be surrounded by Holy Men of the Gods. The young boy would proceed to cry, as the holy men recited a sacred prayer that would gift him with the Blessings of The Gods.

Zahra, Mother of Jaheem and Priestess of Ajani, would tend to her crying child, as the ceremony continued. The mother of the infant would desire for her child to be blessed with the Fortune of Ajani, Lord of Victory. Among the priesthood, one among their order would gift Jaheem with a tattoo upon his right-arm that would remain with him for all of his days. Nearing the end of the ceremony, Jaheem would also be gifted a Pendent of Fortune that would bless him with good luck. 

Many years would pass by, as Jaheem grew into an accomplished rogue that would pillage and plunder the market districts of Yasir's districts. his acts of theft would eventually catch up to him, by the corrupt king of Yasir imprisoning his mother for her son's crimes. Jaheem would rescue his mother from the palace of King Omari and flee the city. The two would wonder aimlessly in the dessert, until they would be discovered by a young man. He would lead them to The Fortress of Bahaullah, A massive city that was once destined to be the capital of the southern region of Malika, but sank beneath the desert.

 He would lead them to The Fortress of Bahaullah, A massive city that was once destined to be the capital of the southern region of Malika, but sank beneath the desert

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He would proceed to introduce himself as Malik, one of the faithful of the God of Misfortune. Malik would go on to explain how an entire community of people have taken refuge within the underground fortress city, after being exiled from the corrupt capital of Lekan. The young man would explain further how a selective few among them have even become Shadows of The Thief King and strive to follow in the footsteps of Ajani. Confused by such a tale, Zahra would remark that Ajani was the King of Victory who ascended to Godhood, not a thief. Malik would educate the two on Ajani's life as a King Among the People and life as a Master Thief of The People.

Having gained a greater understanding of Lord Ajani and the Shadows of The Thief king, Zahra and Jaheem would join the community to begin their new life as refugees. Jaheem would soon desire to give his mother the life she truly desired. The young Rouge would speak with Malik about becoming a Shadow of The Thief King. Malik would welcome the opportunity to recruit him among their shadowy organization and began training him in several different arts. Eventually, Jaheem would complete his training and earn the rank of "Thief."  

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