Crisis of Bedlam!

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Mateo, one of the Ivorian Gods and Seven Arch-Guardians of Maria, has been informed of the minions of the underworld invading the Holy City of Claudia and the City of Kings and Queens, Alexandra. The Holy Order of Salvation, Lead by Arch-Bishop Dominic, would be called upon to aid the two cities alongside the Knights of Ivory. Dante and Gabrielle would go and aid Alexandra, while Mateo remained in the Holy City to aid in purging the city of the unholy horde of demons.

 Dante and Gabrielle would go and aid Alexandra, while Mateo remained in the Holy City to aid in purging the city of the unholy horde of demons

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The Demonic Matrons and Brotherhood of Bedlam would reek havoc throughout the Holy City. Mateo would appear near the grand monastery and dispose of several members of the Brotherhood. Soon members of the Holy order lead by Saint Ivan Michaels would come to aid their God. The faithful warrior-priest would inform his lord that the Order and Knights are keeping the Brotherhood at bay, while he and his men dealt with the matriarchs attacking the people.

Mateo would commission Cyrus Maverick and Gwen Lissianna to go and aid the people and priests hiding in the Monastery, while he and Saint Ivan regroup with the Order and Knights to aid in their defeat

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Mateo would commission Cyrus Maverick and Gwen Lissianna to go and aid the people and priests hiding in the Monastery, while he and Saint Ivan regroup with the Order and Knights to aid in their defeat. Mateo would transport Ivan and himself near the Gates of Hrodwyn, where they would aid in the fight against the Brotherhood of Bedlam. As the Cultist and their warriors were being pushed back and or slaughtered by the Knights of Ivory and Holy Order, Mateo and Ivan would sight the leader of the brotherhood, situated near the entrance of the Cathedral of The Fallen God.

 As the Cultist and their warriors were being pushed back and or slaughtered by the Knights of Ivory and Holy Order, Mateo and Ivan would sight the leader of the brotherhood, situated near the entrance of the Cathedral of The Fallen God

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Mateo would once more transport himself and Ivan, but this time in the presence of Brother Demetrius. Demetrius, Leader of the Covenant of Bedlam and one of the Ten Princes of Chaos, Prince of the False Light and Dark Prophecies. Dawning his Helm of Foresight or Crown of Far-sight and summoning two Demonic Matrons to his side, the Prince prepared himself for battle with the God of Order. The Matriarchs would charge them both, with Mateo making short work of one of them with his divine staff piercing her throat and stomach. The other would clash with Saint Ivan, by using her razor sharp claws to slash at him from all directions.

Pushed back by the matron, Ivan would sheath his blade and readied his bow and arrows, as she flew towards him with great speed. Ivan would fire his arrow into her right-wing which caused the matron to fall from the temple and crash into the city below. The Lord and Saint stood at the ready, as Demetrius prepared to attack them both. Mateo would fire a beam of light from his hand, only for the prince to absorb and redirect the attack towards Ivan, who took the blast and fell to the ground.

Mateo would flash pass the prince's defenses and reappear behind him, ready to deliver a critical strike. But Demetrius foresaw this with the power of his crown and blocked his staff with his hand. The prince would disappear and reappear some distance away and conjure a massive Dark ball of energy, which he hurled toward Mateo and the city. By simply planting his staff into the ground, a barrier of light would form around Mateo and the city and protect them from the blast.

Without warning, Ivan would pierce the prince's chest with his holy sword, by firing it with his bow. Demetrius would conjure a dark blade and pierce the saint's armor and chest. Blood would spew from his chest and mouth, as his lord charged towards the Dark Prince and engaged him once more. Mateo would strike would such ferocity at Demetrius that the ground around them would shatter and a massive force of pressure would be released from his attack. Lady Minerva would come to the aid of Saint Ivan, while the two flew to the sky and continued their battle.

Lady Minerva and Sister Elizabeth succeeded in healing Saint Ivan's wounds, while Brother Daniel guarded them

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Lady Minerva and Sister Elizabeth succeeded in healing Saint Ivan's wounds, while Brother Daniel guarded them. Demetrius would attempt to pierce Mateo's armor, but his unholy-blade would not pierce his armor, however he did manage to land a slash on his face. Demetrius would disappear and reappear some distance away and summon a Demon of The Abyss. The beast would lunge towards the Son of Abiel, but would be pierced by a Holy-Arrow by Alius, Guardian of The Sun who descended from the Realm of Gods. As the beast was obliterated by Mateo's beam of Holy-Light, Demetrius and the Brotherhood of Bedlam would return to the underworld, as they succeeded in murdering Arch-Bishop Dominic and ransacking the Holy City.

 As the beast was obliterated by Mateo's beam of Holy-Light, Demetrius and the Brotherhood of Bedlam would return to the underworld, as they succeeded in murdering Arch-Bishop Dominic and ransacking the Holy City

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In the City of Alexandra, the Covenant of Bedlam had succeeded in a ritual to summon Asmodeus, Lord of The Abyss. The massive beast would reek havoc throughout the city, while members of the Order ad Ivorian Knights would fire a storm of arrows upon the beast, which had little to no effect on him. Gabrielle and Dante would soar to the face of the beast and unleash a barrage of Bolts of Light and blasts of pure energy, which brought great harm to the beast. The Holy Order would be tasked with performing a a spell of banishment upon Asmodeus. The beast engulfed in flame would raze the city with ever step. The Demon-Lord would release a flash from it's body that also created a barrage of flaming stones from it's body that rained down upon the city and people.

Dante would release an illuminating flash that would blind the beast, while Gabriella conjured a purified claymore and plunged it into one of the beast's eyes. The Holy Order succeeded in casting the spell, while the knights dealt with the Brotherhood of Bedlam. And as the beast returns to the bowels of Hell, a black-winged figure approached Gabrielle and led her into the sky above. The majority of the crisis had ended, as the people of Alexandra and Claudia thanked the Gods and began repairing their cities. Lady Minerva would her a proclamation from Elinor, Messenger of the Gods, that a greater threat has yet to reveal itself!

The End!

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