Dreadful News and Many Questions

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        The next day, which should have been a happy one, was very gloomy. The previous day had gone off swimmingly until the attack of the Remnants. Qrow, Glynda, Oobleck, Ironwood and Port had managed to fight off Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo, until the triplets retreated. The triplets brought many questions to everyone at the arena and those who were watching at home, one of which was why Team ZARC, a team of Beacon first years, were so important. Team ZARC knew they had many questions to answer from their friends and were relieved that their friends would hold off until the next day, after the announcement that would be made about the attack rather than the winner of the tournament. That night, Team RWBY and the remaining members of Team JNPR stayed with Team ZARC in their dorm, knowing that Pyrrha needed the most support at witnessing a close friend and her partner die literally in her arms.

When morning finally struck, the eleven friends head to the auditorium as that was where Ozpin would be having his speech. Pyrrha stayed very close to Cloud, her face still tear stained as her dreams had been filled with Jaune's death. Ruby stayed close to Reno, her heart going out to Pyrrha. Aerith was in a similar situation and was on the other side of Pyrrha, gripping her hand as she stayed close to Zack. They all found a spot close to the stage as it was only right that they were right there. Team SSSN had joined them, giving their silent support. The auditorium filled quickly and quietly. Faints whispers echoed throughout the room and once Ozpin stepped onto the stage, the room fell completely silent. Ozpin walks up to the microphone and takes a deep breath.

"This morning, we are gathered not to celebrate the victor of the Vytal Festival but to acknowledge what had happened yesterday. As you are all aware, three interesting individuals searching for Team ZARC attacked the arena. This was meant to be a distraction so that another force could strike me. Team ZARC was informed by an outside source about this attack and made the decision to ditch the tournament to come to my aid. Pyrrha Nikos and Jaune Arc of Team JNPR came along with them since they ran into their fellow team. The objective of this terrorist strike was to not only take me out but a very dear friend of mine. I do not know why they wanted to attack myself and my friend, but they clearly wanted to strike fear into the hearts of many. Mr. Arc and Miss Nikos were the first to encounter this powerful enemy while Team ZARC helped to run a perimeter sweep around my office. And it is because of this encounter that I deliver this grave news with a heavy heart - Jaune Arc was slain," Ozpin says. Many gasps and shouts of outrage sound about the auditorium. Glynda steps forward.

"Everyone! Please! Clamor down! Headmaster Ozpin has more to say!" Glynda calls out. After a few minutes, the noise settles down, allowing Ozpin to speak once more.

"However, due to Mr. Arc's sacrifice, we only lost one life instead of multiples. The culprit was shortly apprehended by Team ZARC, thanks to Miss Nikos's and Mr. Arc's valiant efforts. We should not mourn Jaune Arc, but instead celebrate him and remember him. He was a true Huntsman and his sacrifice and death should inspire us all to strive to become the best that we can be so something like this never happens again. There will be a funeral tomorrow for Mr. Arc," Ozpin finishes. The crowd slowly starts to filter out of the auditorium and soon enough, only Teams ZARC and RWBY, the NPR of JNPR, Sun and Mercury Black remain in the auditorium. Ozpin motions for the thirteen to follow him, Glynda and Qrow. The movement to Ozpin's office was a quiet and depressive one, Team ZARC and Pyrrha feeling the depression settle in more as they got closer. Once in his office, Ozpin waits for everyone to get settled.

"Headmaster... What is it that you wanted to talk to us about..?" Ruby's small voice speaks up.

"We're going to answer all the questions you guys have shortstack," Reno says softly.

"Then why am I here? I kinda know about you guys.." Mercury says. Zack looks at him.

"Well you're the reason why Beacon is still standing. You told us about Cinder," Zack answers.

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