Moving Forward

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        The sky of the morning after the funeral was a bleak grey, storm clouds covering up the blue sky and hiding the sun from Vale. It was about mid-morning as Pyrrha and Cloud made their way to town. As they made their way towards the blacksmith, Cloud was asking Pyrrha about the modifications she was going to have made, and what exactly she was planning with the sword. Pyrrha explains to Cloud what she had come up with over breakfast for the shield and with the sword, she was going to keep it as is. The two arrive at the blacksmith and walk over to the burly female behind the counter. She had tanned skin, sleek black hair pulled into a bun at the nape of her neck, dark brown eyes, and resting atop her head was a set of black bear ears. The bear Faunus looks at the two students and the stoic look on her face softens upon seeing that it was Cloud and Pyrrha, only recognizing them from the tournament and from the announcement about Jaune's death.

"Good morning. Welcome to Umbral Paws and Claws, how can I help you?" she asks.

"Are you miss Umbra?" Pyrrha asks. Cloud steps off to the side and takes a look at the various pieces of armor and weapons that had been forged. Since Aerith would have a rather huge target on her back, the blonde boy wanted to see if something might be suitable to protect his friend going forward.

"I am. I take it you want something forged?" Umbra asks. With a nod, Pyrrha presents both her shield and Jaune's shield.

"I would like to request that both shields are melded together," Pyrrha answers. "I don't know if it would be possible to take this shield," she says pointing to Jaune's shield, "and have it act as a collapsible expansion around my shield."

"That should be manageable. I might have to add extra material to your shield to better work it but if that's the case, I'll be sure to use the lightest material," Umbra responds as she gently takes the shields from the redhead. "Is there a certain direction you want it to expand in?"

"All around if possible," Pyrrha answers. Umbra takes a moment to look over both shields before nodding.

"That should be doable. Anything else? Or will this be all?" the bear Faunus asks.

"Oh, just a sheathe for this sword," Pyrrha answers, gesturing to Crocea Mors that rested in her sheathe that normally held Miló.

"Have a look around and feel free to test the sheathes out," Umbra says before disappearing behind the door to set the shields aside and to get the furnace up and started. Pyrrha walks over towards where Cloud was, the blonde looking over hearing the faint clicks of Pyrrha's heel.

"Anything catching your eye Cloud?" the redhead asks.

"Ah, nothing in particular. I was thinking of Aerith's safety considering the whole... mess... that we're in," Cloud responds. "I think everyone should probably get an armor upgrade."

"That's not a bad idea. I was thinking about that too," Pyrrha says, picking up a sheathe that looked to be about the same size as Crocea Mors. She tests it and smiles when seeing it fit, just as Umbra steps back out. Pyrrha walks back over to the burly female, unsheathing the sword to set the sheathe on the counter. "This sheathe please."

"Alright. I should have your request done by the end of the day. Tomorrow morning you can pick it up. Now, I'm going to give you a discount, not because you're Pyrrha Nikos, but because of the grief you're going through," Umbra says, surprising the redhead.

"O-oh, thank you, that's very kind of you," Pyrrha says, her emerald eyes widening.

"It's the least I can do to offer my condolences," Umbra says before ringing up the price of the sheathe and request. Pyrrha hands over the Lien needed. Taking the sheathe, the Huntress In Training straps it to her waist and puts Crocea Mors into it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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