A Talk with Oz, Plus a Gun

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        The members of Team ZARC follow Ozpin up to his office. ZARC wondered if they did anything wrong but judging by the rather calm look upon the headmaster's face, they figured they probably weren't in trouble. Soon enough, the rhythmic clicks of the gears completely soothes the team as they enter the office behind Ozpin. Ozpin walked behind his desk and he fills his mug with more hot chocolate, which would be only his second that day. He sits down.

"I'll keep this brief so you can get settled in. First off, congratulations on taking down that Arachnae. Secondly, nice Semblances you have there. Which brings me to our discussion - using your Semblances," Ozpin starts off.

"What about them?" Cloud asks, crossing his arms over his chest, looking at the silver haired headmaster.

"You and Mr. Fair have rather dangerous Semblances. Seeing what they did to a Grimm brings worry to both myself and Glynda about what they could do to a person, Aura unlocked or not. Glynda has asked me to tell you, Mr. Strife, to not use yours in combat class or in a tournament. I ask that you only use it on a person if it is a life or death situation," Ozpin says, looking Cloud right in his MAKO blue eyes.

"Of course. I wouldn't want to harm any innocent person," Cloud says.

"As for you Mr. Fair.. I ask that you test out the different... possibilities of your Semblance. Film them and send them to me. I will give you my personal scroll number. I would like to access the different possibilities you get with your friendships with the other students. I ask that you don't use the connection with Miss Xiao Long against people unless it is a life or death situation. When you send me the videos, I will tell you which are acceptable for use against people and in tournaments," Ozpin says, looking now at the wolf faunus.

"Right-o! And I can already tell you that Aerith's connection is fine and I won't use Cloud's against people," Zack says, handing his scroll to Ozpin. Ozpin takes the scroll and puts his number in for Zack before handing it back.

"Oh? Why is that?" Oz asks curiously, arching an eyebrow.

"Well, back on Gaia, Limit Breaks are basically the same thing as Semblances as you probably recall us telling you. With Cloud, it's basically a big meteor shower. With Aerith, I had a big overall healing factor," Zack explains.

"I see. I'll take your word on it as you don't seem the type to lie and I trust your judgement on those two," Oz says.

"Is there anything else?" Aerith asks.

"Ah yes. You're fine Miss Gainsborough. As for Mr. Sinclair... Please discover your Semblance BEFORE using it in combat class or a tournament. I would also like to see this Semblance to determine if it is safe enough," the headmaster says.

"Works with me, yo," Reno says with a nod.

"Other than that, you are free to go. You have the rest of the day to do whatever you would like," Ozpin says with a smile. The four students nod and after parting ways with the headmaster, they head to their new dorm that they would be living in for the next four years here at Beacon. Upon entering the room, the four look around and see that their belongings were already there.

"Alright! First order of business! Rearrange and decorate!" Zack declares, grinning widely at his friends and teammates. His tail was wagging lightly in excitement.

"Yeah! Cloud, you want top or bottom bunk? Cause we doin' bunkbeds for space efficiency!" Reno says, looking at the blonde member.

"I'll take the bottom bunk," Cloud says. He and Reno carefully lift one of the beds onto the rightmost bed. It was some heavy lifting but thankfully with the Aura and Cloud's MAKO enhanced strength, the two managed to bunk the beds. Aerith and Zack had elected to turn the two leftmost beds so the heads of the beds were against the wall and then push them together. Aerith looks over at the bunkbed that was constructed and sweatdropped.

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