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        It was Saturday. Teams RWBY, JNPR and ZARC all heading down to the training room they used when testing Zack's Semblance. All twelve members were dressed in their combat clothes and had their weapons on them, those with a gun making sure that their magazines were full. Pyrrha proposed that they all warmed up before starting the fights as to limit the amount of injuries they would receive. A few people were surprised to see how flexible Jaune was and kept that lodged into the back of their mind, in case they were put up against Jaune or paired with him. No one was surprised to see Zack do his squats as he has been dubbed the Squat King. After a good twenty minute warm-up, everyone gathers around Yang and Nora since the two had suggested the idea.

"Alright! Let's start this off with a Yang! And Aerith!" Yang grins, using her usual pun, getting mostly groans.

"Dammit Yang! Must you always use that one??" Ruby shouts.

"But of course sweet little sister of mine! And to name off the next pair, it's you and Reno!" Yang grins. Ruby tried her best to not blush.

"Next we have Jaune and Weiss!" Nora announces. "And going against Jaune and Weiss is Cloud and Pyrrha!"

"Weiss, we might be screwed," Jaune says. "I'll still try though!"

"I know you will Jaune. But I do think we can win," Weiss says, attempting to give herself some confidence.

"Then we'll have Zack and Ren against Ruby and Reno," Yang announces.

"Which means that myself and Blake are against Yang and Aerith!" Nora says happily. "So let's get started! And break some legs!"

"We're starting in five minutes!" Yang says. All of the pairs took those five minutes to formulate a basic plan. Everyone had a basic gist of how everyone fought but of course those on the same team knew the best. When the five minutes are up, Cloud, Pyrrha, Weiss and Jaune all got onto the raised platform they would be using as an arena. Everyone else took their seats, Zack being the one to call this match. He gives the signal to begin once the four fighters' Aura levels were on display.

As planned, Cloud draws his sword and immediately charges at Jaune. Jaune decides to take the offensive for once and he runs headlong towards Cloud, the shield raised in front of him. As Cloud brings his broadsword down on Jaune's shield, he felt ice form around his feet. He quickly glanced down to see Weiss's ice glyph disappear from his feet. He scowls but keeps pressing his sword down on Jaune to not let the smaller blonde attack. Pyrrha had hung back until that moment since she and Cloud decided to use Cloud as distraction. She then quickly makes her way towards Weiss, shield in front and javelin pointed at the white themed girl. Pyrrha swipes with Miló at Weiss's unprotected abdomen, causing Weiss to just barely back up.

While Weiss and Pyrrha start trading blows and parrying, Jaune knew he needed to get out of the lock he was in. Pushing with all his might against Cloud's immense strength and to the left, Jaune manages to get out from under Cloud, throwing the spiky blonde off balance. Seeing an opening Jaune goes to slash at Cloud's abdomen, only for Pyrrha's shield to block it. He glanced over and saw that Pyrrha was in a lock with Weiss's Myrtenaster. Ignoring Cloud, Jaune swiftly swipes in to break the lock to give Weiss an opening. Weiss took that opening and uses one of her glyphs to send Pyrrha flying backwards. Pyrrha slams Miló into the stage, piercing it and uses her Semblance to keep herself from flying out of the ring. Jaune advanced on Pyrrha.

Cloud saw that the focus was on Pyrrha and that Akoúo̱ was in arm's reach. Nabbing it quickly, he uses the shield to bash away the ice from his feet. He put the shield on his magnetic holster for the moment before charging Weiss who was using her glyphs again to barrage Pyrrha with elemental attacks. He first rams into Weiss with his shoulder, causing the heiress to be knocked off balance, sending fire at Jaune instead. Before Weiss could recover, Cloud slashes heavily at Weiss, going from her left shoulder to her right hip and following up with a horizontal slash. Weiss tried to land a hit in after the two hit combo, but only managed to poke him. Cloud continues his onslaught, pushing Weiss towards the edge. Weiss could only block and parry. Once close enough to the edge, Cloud puts himself into a sword lock with Weiss.

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