Pancakes! Also, Class I Guess

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        After Ruby and Reno had regrouped, Nora once again led everyone to a pancake house she had discovered downtown. Ruby really wanted Reno to show off his gun since the others knew that he had a gun but knew that downtown wasn't exactly the best place to show off the gun. Yang decided to hang back to talk with Ruby, mostly just to grill her about her "alone" time with Reno. What kind of big sister would she be if she didn't tease her little sister about her not so subtle crush on the handsome redhead.

"Soooooooo how was your time with Reno~?" Yang asks, a slight smirk on her lips. Ruby blushed a bit.

"It was.. fun. We got the perfect gun for him," Ruby answered, looking down to hide her face and pressing her pointer fingers together.

"Just fun? Nothing special happened~?" Yang prompted, nudging the small leader, sensing that she wanted to say more.

"Weellll.... Reno did some test shots and he got nearly 100% accuracy! I've never seen ANYONE that accurate with a handgun! He's as accurate as I am with Crescent Rose! He was just so cool and had the most laid back stance that made him even cooler!" Ruby gushes, no longer able to hide it, hoping that Reno wasn't listening. Yang just grins and hugs Ruby.

"Aw! My baby sis is finally noticing boys confirmed!!" Yang says, hugging her little sister tightly.

"Yaaaanngg!! Let go of me! You're embarrassing me!!" Ruby squeaks, not being able to break out of the brawler's tight hold. After another squeeze, Yang releases the reaper and the two quickly catch up to the rest. The three teams enter the pancake house which fortunately wasn't too busy. They're brought to a large booth that sat six people on each bench comfortably. On the booth closest to the entrance left to right was Zack, Aerith, Yang, Weiss, Jaune and then Pyrrha. On the opposing side starting from across Zack, was Ren, Nora, Blake, Ruby, Reno and then Cloud. They decided to split the teams like this to further make friendships between the three teams. There was also some... match making going on. The teams make their orders and enjoy their time at the pancake house, Zack feeling a bunch of connections being made for his Digital Mind Wave.

~ The Next Day! ~

Team ZARC was up and ready for classes. Well, at least ZAC was.. Reno, not so much. They all had the uniform on, Reno wearing it loosely, just like he did with his ShinRa uniform. The group walks down to the cafeteria to have breakfast, noticing that neither team RWBY nor team JNPR were down. They all shrug as they sit and fill up their plates with food. Reno slowly starts to wake up and lets out one more yawn. The five minute warning bell goes off and team ZARC heads off to their first class: Grimm Studies with Professor Port. Aerith decides that their team would sit in the middle of class, having a feeling that Zack will have some hard time focusing on classes and figured that the middle would help Zack focus some but if he loses focus, it wouldn't be as noticeable. Just as team ZARC sits down, the bell rings as teams RWBY and JNPR enter the classroom and hurriedly takes their seats. A short man with a majestic grey mustache stands up from his seat behind the desk

"Monsters, demons, prowlers of the night. Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names. However, I like to call them prey!" the stout professor says. After an awkward pause, he continues "And some day, you shall too. Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces! But that's where you all step in - the young sparks of hope for humanity. Now that I have your attention, welcome to Grimm Studies. My name is Professor Port and here you will learn about the Grimm, all while hearing about my glorious days a young Huntsman!"

"This sounds like it might be a bore of a class..." Zack muttered to Reno, who nodded in agreement. Zack almost falls asleep during Port's story that he immediately launched into. While he was almost asleep, like a lot of the class, Ruby was doodling and starting to annoy Weiss indirectly.

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