Supplies to Make Bonds

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        While Ruby and Reno had gone to the gun shop, the remaining 10 students had continued on their way to the supply shop that Nora had had in mind. WBY and JNPR decided that they would also get bunkbed supplies, since they had also done bunkbeds, as that would help prevent any possible injuries from a bed falling on someone. Nora dramatically poses outside the store, appropriately called Crafty Supplies.

"And here we are! The one stop shop for all your crafts and pranks!" Nora says, grinning widely. Zack's eyes light up a bit at the idea of pranks.

"Well since we ARE here to not only get supplies and to make friendships... We should split up to make things efficient," Weiss says.

"That would be the best plan. I think it would also be a good to pair people who aren't on the same team. Also, just so that everyone isn't gathering supplies for the bunkbeds, we assign two people of each team, into getting bunkbed supplies?" Jaune says, surprising a few people with his idea.

"What a wonderful idea Jaune. I'll be one for JNPR," Pyrrha says with a smile.

"Obviously Cloud you have to get supplies since it's your bed. But that means either myself or Aerith will get supplies," Zack says.

"I don't mind helping in gathering the supplies Zack," Aerith says with a smile.

"Ren? Nora? Either of you want to gather supplies or shall I do it?" Jaune asks his teammates.


"Just don't try to steal Zack from Aerith.." Cloud sweatdrops.

"Cloud! How dare you assume that I could ever love someone other than Aerith or even think about cheating on my precious flower girl!" Zack says, being dramatic.

"And that's assuming I'm a homewrecker, which I'm not. Besides, I know a fellow prankster when I see one!" Nora says.

"Oh..." Cloud says, his cheeks flushing slightly. His intentions were well placed but... not necessary it would appear.

"ANYWAYS," Weiss says, loudly. "I will go for Team RWBY since Ruby isn't here."

"And I'll help as well. I'll go with Aerith.. If you're alright with it?" Blake says. Aerith nods, confirming that it was alright with her.

"May I go with you Pyrrha?" Cloud asks, doing his best to hide his blush and avoiding the knowing look Zack was sending him.

"Of course Cloud!" Pyrrha says with a smile. She was quite glad actually that Cloud asked her.

"So which one of you will be with me?" Weiss asks, looking at the two males, her hands on her hips. The two males look at each other for a moment, both silently agreeing that it should be Jaune. Ren would rather go with Yang as Yang seemed similar to Nora and he did NOT want to interact with Weiss on his own for too long. Jaune wanted to go with Weiss anyways as he did have a thing for the Schnee heiress. The blonde swordsman also wanted to make things up to Weiss.

"I will go with you Weiss," Jaune says. He offers a pleasant smile to the Ice Queen, surprising a few that he didn't try to flirt Weiss up.

"Alright! Remember you will need screws, connecting plates and probably a drill! Now let's split!" Zack says, grinning widely. He heads off with Nora into the store, the hyperactive pair going to look at all of the possible pranking ideas. AB, JW and CP go off to find the needed materials while RY go off to just wander the store.

~ Zack and Nora ~

Nora leads Zack to the more prankster part of the store, which happened to be in the back of the store. Zack made a mental note to bring Reno here, knowing that the redhead would love to get his hands on this. Zack looks at Nora.

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