Forever Fall and Fluff

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        Soon enough, Team ZARC was completely settled into their new life in Remnant. They had been in Remnant for over a month, almost two months now. All thoughts of the issues on Gaia were basically gone from their minds as they thought about their new friends and about the threat of the Grimm. Zack and Aerith had watched their two friends fall in love with two of the lovely ladies that were their friends. Cloud did his best to ignore Reno's and Zack's teasing about his ever growing, and slightly obvious, crush on Pyrrha while Reno did his best to hide his crush on Ruby as to not receive the same fate. Both single members were grateful and not so grateful that Glynda wasn't mixing the teams up and forcing them to separate on the field trip they were going on. The two were grateful as it meant they were safe from Zack's teasing had Reno been paired up with Ruby and Cloud with Pyrrha. They were also not as grateful as they could have been however as they wouldn't get to spend time with the two girls. The field trip Team ZARC and their fellow teams were going on was to Forever Fall to collect Red Sap for Professor Peach. Aerith looks out the bulkhead window and gasps.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" Aerith says, her emerald eyes wide with wonder. Zack looks over.

"And to think it stays like that all year round.." Zack murmurs.

"Reminds me of Pyrrha's hair," Cloud muttered to himself. Unfortunately for him, Reno heard.

"Maybe you should ask her out then! 'Oh Pyrrha! I can't keep my mind off of you as this forest reminds me of you! Please go out with me!'" Reno says in his best impression of Cloud. The spiky blonde scowls and smacks Reno in the back of the head. The ex-Turk huffed as he rubs the back of his head.

"Maybe I will when you stop teasing your little shortstack and actually confess to her!" Cloud shot back. Reno huffed again.

"Guys, knock it off. Let's just enjoy this time in the forest and collect the sap," Aerith says, putting herself between the two.

"Yes mom," Cloud and Reno say synchronously, small grins on their faces showing that they were only playing around. Aerith just shakes her head, hiding a smile and chuckle at the two. Reno then squints as if trying to see something better.

"Wait, if we call Aerith mom, does that make Zack dad, yo?" Reno asks. Zack nearly choked hearing Reno.

"What in Oum's name are you on Reno??" Zack questions, some of Remnant's slang slipping into his words.

"Well, Aerith basically acts as the mom of group and since you're dating her.. that would make you dad," Reno grins.

"I mean you two are basically already married anyways," Cloud points, causing the couple in question to blush. A cheeky grin then appears on the spiky blonde's face. "I propose we start calling them mom and dad."

"What a wonderful idea Chocobo!" Reno smirks, a mischievous glint flashing through his celestine eyes. Zack groans.

"I hate you two sometimes," the wolf-Faunus grumbles. Aerith couldn't help but giggle. Zack looks at Aerith accusingly. "Don't encourage them!"

"Too late dad!" Reno says, grinning widely. Cloud snickers into his hand as Zack just hangs in his head in defeat, wolf ears drooping a bit. Ruby had heard the commotion and had walked over to see what was getting Team ZARC all riled up.

"Umm.. What's going on?" Ruby asks when seeing a defeated looking Zack, a giggling Aerith, a cheeky Reno and a grinning Cloud.

"We're tormenting Zack by calling him dad," Reno says, looking at the young leader. Ruby tilts her head in a cute way, causing Reno to look away to hide the faint blush forming on his cheeks.

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