Rosewood Trailer

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        Reno was walking around Sector 8 with his fellow Turk Rude. He was complaining about how he was stuck on patrol duty even though he was second-in-command of the Turks. Of course Rude just ignores him as the two continue their patrol, looking for any Genesis copies and now Angeal copies that may have made their way into Sector 8. The redheaded Turk twirls his Electro-Mag Rod in his hand as he walks around, deciding to just shoot the shit with Rude in attempts to get his companion's attention. Hearing a faint flutter of a wing and then a slightly crazy chuckle, Reno whips around and spots Sephiroth. He notices that there was an insane look in the 1st Class SOLDIER's eyes and he knew something bad was going to happen. Flicking the rod completely out, Reno looks at Rude.

"RUDE! GET OUT OF HERE AND GET TSENG AND THE OTHERS! I'LL HOLD HIM OFF THE BEST I CAN!" Reno shouts. He turns the amperage up to 10 milliamps (mA).

"But you'll-" Rude starts.

"THAT'S AN ORDER RUDE! GO!" Reno commands charging towards Sephiroth to engage him in battle. Reno knew he had a higher chance of loosing the battle but he had to give Rude and the others as much as he could afford to give them. The Turk ducks Masamune and lashes out with the EMR, hitting Sephiroth's arm with it. He dodges to the side to avoid an overhead cleave and darts forward to whack Sephiroth on the back, delivering a powerful shock that caused the one-winged angel to temporarily be paralyzed. Reno takes his chance and whacks Sephiroth over the head with the EMR, knocking the crazed SOLDIER out. He looks around wondering where the hell the reinforcements were. It's not like Sephiroth is going to stay knocked out for very long! Even though Reno knew it would be better to kill Sephiroth, he didn't have the order or permission yet. Besides, there was still a chance to bring Sephiroth back to the light... Right?

"You know... Instead of trying to just incapacitate me, you should have set that silly stun rod of yours to kill," came Sephiroth's voice, snapping Reno out of his thoughts.

"Don't permission to kill you, yo. Also we could still bring you back," Reno says.

"What a waste of time and a perfectly good fighter," Sephiroth smirks as he stands up, wielding Masamune. The silver-haired man then rushes Reno, faster than the Turk could have reacted to and impaled the redhead. Reno drops his EMR and after Masamune was pulled out of him, the now dead Turk crumples to the ground and his vision turns black.

Blue eyes crack open and see swirling green all around. The realization dawns on Reno that he is actually dead and that the fight against Sephiroth WASN'T a bad dream. He groans and just floats there. A voice calls out to the Turk.

"Oh great, now I'm hearing things. How wonderful," Reno groans out.

"You are not hearing anything, I assure you that Reno Sinclair. I am the voice of the Lifestream. I have a proposition for you," the voice says.

"A proposition? I'm all ears, yo," Reno says, suddenly intrigued.

"Very well. You and three others had died prematurely and I am offering you another chance at life. The other three have already accepted this proposition," the voice says.

"Who are they? And what is this chance at life?" Reno asks.

"You'll find out soon enough. You know these three. This new chance will send you to a new world. You will be sent to a school that trains students to fight monsters. If you choose to accept this, you will be aged back to 17. You will have all of the same abilities you already have but you might have some changes to you," the voice explains.

"Aw fuck it. Just send me there, yo," Reno says. He honestly just wanted to get a chance to live again. Hell, more fighting? Why not?

"Very well. Good luck Reno Sinclair," the voice says. A bright and blinding light envelopes Reno and his vision once more fades to black.

When Reno comes too again, instead of seeing just swirling green, he sees emerald green tree tops and blue skies peaking through. It was a nice change from the city. He sits up and better takes in his surroundings. Down to his left he spots his EMR and smiles. He picks up and gets up, deciding it was time to find this school the voice had told him to go to. He whistles as he wanders the forest, keeping an eye out for these possible monsters. The Turk stops upon hearing a hiss and he gets into a ready stance, flicking the rod out and setting the amperage to 1A, or kill mode. After a few moments of just hissing and slithering, a black serpentine head and a white serpentine head dart out at Reno, attempting to wrap around the Turk.

"Whoa! What the shit?! A two headed fuckin' snake?" Reno says, rolling out of the way. He scowls lightly before going to the white head of the two-headed serpent. He waits for the mouth to open before shoving the EMR into the inside part of the cheek, delivering a lethal shock to the snake. Reno quickly pulls the EMR out of the snake's mouth as it begins to convulse violently and disintegrates. He then turns the rod out so he didn't accidentally electrocute himself. That would have been sad, getting a new life only to electrocute himself to death. Shaking his head, the Turk continues on his way through the forest, now even more on his guard. As he wandered the forest, Reno wondered who the other three were. Hearing a loud roar, the redhead immediately starts running, hoping that who ever pissed off the monster would be alright until he got there. Upon entering a clearing he sees the massive bear and looks over spotting Zack and Aerith.

"Haha! Have no fear! I'm here too, yo!" he calls out, hearing another voice shout out Zack's and Aerith's name.

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