Zaffre Trailer

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        Zack was sitting with his beautiful girlfriend Aerith in the little church she owned down in the slums. He leans forward and gives Aerith an Eskimo kiss, grinning at hearing the giggles that emit from her. He presses his lips to Aerith's lips and captures her in a gentle and loving kiss. Neither notice the quiet footsteps walking on the wooden boards towards them as the two share their moment of bliss. A moment too late does Zack notice something wrong as he feels a blade pierce through him and by the faint gasp, he knows Aerith was also pierced. Zack knew it was Sephiroth that killed him and Aerith but he didn't have time to think about what happened as the sword was removed from him and he collapses to the ground, his vision going black.

The next thing Zack sees is green. Just a swirling stream of green. He knew where he was. It was the Lifestream. A sigh escapes from his lips as he floats in the Lifestream. He hoped that he could at least SEE Aerith, knowing that she too was sadly dead. Zack was startled from his slight wallowing by a voice calling out his name. He looks around, whipping his raven haired head around to find the source.

"Worry not Zack Fair. I am the voice of the Lifestream. I have a proposition for you and three others like you," the voice says.

"A proposition? And who are these other three?" Zack questions, easing slightly at now knowing the voice.

"Yes, a proposition. You already know one of the people. The other two you will find out should they accept it. You see, you and the other three died prematurely. I am giving you a chance at a new life. You'll be in a different world that needs help," the voice explains.

"Alright... What happens to me if I accept this?" Zack asks, wanting to make sure that he was getting all the details before accepting.

"You'll be going to a school to help fight monsters. As such, you will aged back to 17. There may be a few changes to your body but it uncertain what those changes could be. You'll keep your weapon and any abilities you already have however," the voice says. "Are these terms acceptable?"

"Yeah. Give me my new life! I still have to prove my worth as a 1st Class SOLDIER!" Zack says, after deciding that a few changes wouldn't be so bad.

"Very well Zackary Fair. I wish you luck in your new life," the voice says, sounding pleased if the voice of the Lifestream could have emotions. A bright and blinding light envelopes Zack as he is sent hurtling towards this new world, his vision going black once more.

Zack groans as he wakes up. He opens his eyes and looks at his surroundings. He noticed a lot of trees and that he was laying on grass. It was a welcoming sight to him as it reminded him a little bit of his home village Gongaga. After sitting up, he places his hand on his head as if to run through his raven spikes but noticed something... Off. Both hands rise up and his eyes widened. He had animal ears! Jumping up and twisting around to see what other changes had happened, he spotted a black tail coming out his backside. And not just any tail... A wolf's tail! He was part wold. Zack groans, knowing that Angeal was probably laughing his ass off at the sight of SOLDIER's Puppy actually being part wolf. With a sigh, Zack grabbed the buster sword that was laying next to where he was standing and puts it on the magnetic holster on his back.

"Guess I should try to find some civilization shouldn't I? Maybe see if Aerith is nearby. She's probably worried sick and alone right now," Zack says as he starts to walk through the forest. Since the voice had mentioned monsters, he was already on the lookout for anything suspicious. He was actually a little happy that he was now part wolf as his senses were even MORE enhanced. It was a little odd for things to be this enhanced but he could deal with it. As he walks through the forest, he hears some growling get closer to him. A gloved hand immediately grips the handle of the buster sword in preparation. A loud roar breaks through the otherwise quiet forest and a large soulless black bear with a white and red bone mask on its face bursts through the bushes in front of Zack. Instinctively, Zack draws the buster sword and immediately launches himself at the beast. He brings the sword down in a diagonal manner from upper left to lower right. With more effort that he usually used, he was able to slice the beast in half. He watches as the monster disintegrates, knowing that he probably was only able to defeat that monster as it had yet to actually attack and had only released a battle cry. Upon hearing more roars, Zack's attention snaps to the direction he heard them in and putting the sword on his back, he starts running towards the noise, hoping that Aerith, if she was here, was not anywhere near the source of the roaring. He gets to the clearing and sees another bear similar to the one he fought before, however this time it had more bone plating and spikes on it. A flash of pink catches his eyes and he spots Aerith.

"Aerith!" Zack calls out, going over to the girl who was rather glad to see him.

"Oh Zack, thank goodness you're here too!" Aerith says, a fancy looking stave in her hand. "But I think we have a bit of a problem..."

"Haha! Have no fear! I'm here too, yo!" "Zack! Aerith!" two voices rang out. Aerith and Zack were quite shocked to see who joined them.

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