31 ~ Snuggle Fest

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Richie's Pov:

The officer, also known as Officer Hopper,

(I know Hopper is a sheriff. Don't fight me), dropped me and Eddie off.

I packed my 3 other outfits and packed my toothbrush, toothpaste, all that jazz.

I wouldn't be returning until my mom got out of the hospital so I needed to take everything I could remember.

Outfits, including socks, a pair of shoes, tooth brush and tooth paste.... that's it.

I was thinking about going shopping with Bev tomorrow but that's obviously out of the way if I can't walk.

I have earned some money from mowing lawns and other work, so all I would need is a pair of crutches.

Eddie packed up all of his things as well, and we were on our way to Bill's place.

"Officer Hopper, do you think I'll be able to get a pair of crutches? I ask.

He hesitates before answering.

"We could pos-"

"I-I have a p-pair he can b-b-borrow." Bill looks back at me and announces.

"Perfect." Hopper grins.

"Thanks Bill."

Yesss now I can get new clothes. I'll become a new man. Just kidding. I'm already a perfect man.

No, but seriously. I need new clothes. I've had these since 8th grade, but I never had the money or time to get new clothes.


"Yes Richie?"

"I'm supposed to go shopping with Bev tomorrow after school... so you should come if you want to see all the jazzy outfits I'm going to get.

"You're going shopping... with Bev?" He stifles out a laugh.

"Yeah? So what?"

"Nothing, I think it's cute." He giggles.

"But please don't get anything with sparkles."

"I wont, if you come with us..."

"Alright. I'll go will you." He rolls his eyes.

"Yayyy." I smile. "I don't think I'm going to go to school tomorrow so we can bike there once you get home."

Ohh yeah. By the way, we had to fucking drive to Stan's house to drop him off, then we had to drive to Eddie's house to get his bike, (when we already had to carry mine). 2 bikes on top of the car right now..

It was super annoying...

But hey, we're all okay now. I just feel bad for Hopper. He has to deal with all of us.

"You're really not coming tomorrow?" He frowns.

"No... I don't think I'll be able to make it through the day." I sniffle.

"I may stay home too... just this once." Eddie agrees.


"Yeah... if you're fine with me bothering you all day." He giggles.

"Trust me Eds, you're too stubborn and adorable to annoy me."

I ruffle his hair and he scrunches up his nose.


"Staaahhhhp." He tries pushing my hand away.

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