15 ~ Cupcakes and Flour

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Author's Pov:

So far, Richie and Eddie have been dating for 2 weeks.

Somehow managing to keep it a secret from everyone.

It was hard at first,

They had to avoid eachother a bit more at school and they couldn't talk that much if they were within the perimeter of the school.

You could say that they really missed eachother, but everyday after school, Richie would go over to Eddie house from 2 - 4:30 when Eddie's mom comes home.

They would watch movies (preferably dramatic romance and comedy), kiss, hug, laugh, cry, binge eat, makeout, try to help eachother with homework, make fun of Stan..... Alot.

They very much enjoyed making fun of Stan.

Not to be mean or anything, but... Stan is Stan.

The man who cockblocks you 3 times in a row.

The man who is super nice and funny, but is also very high and bitchy.

Yep, that's Stanny.


"Richie! You made a mess. What the fuck?" Eddie groans.

"Now I have to clean all of this off of my clothes."

"You look like a powdered donut." Richie laughs at his boyfriend.

"I do! And it's your fault."


Okay, to add context.

They were making cupcakes in the kitchen... well obviously in the kitchen. Where else would they?

ANYWAYS, Eddie was trying to make cupcakes and Richie scared him and Eddie spilt flour all over himself.


"You need to help me clean this up before my mom gets home." Eddie demands.

"Fine. As long as you keep your apron and hat on." Richie winks.

"You look adorable baby."

He kisses Eddie on the cheek and wraps his arms around his waist from behind.

Eddie rolls his eyes and continues to stir the flour in the eggs.

"You're so clingy."

"I don't care. I'm with you so of course Im gonna be clingy." Richie confesses.

"Richie, go turn on the oven please."

"But I don't wanna moooooove!" Richie whines and kisses the back of Eddie's neck.

"Richie." Eddie warns.

"Fineeee, mom."

Richie lets go of Eddie's waist and walks over to the oven.

"Hey Richie. Go turn on the oven." He mocks to himself.

"Eddie, it's literally 4 feet away from you." He mumbles.

Richie turns on the medium setting and sighs.

"There you go your majesty. The oven, is on." I smirk.

"Why thank you, wise royal servant." Eddie chuckles.

"Excuse me?" Richie scoffs.

"You're excused." Eddie smiles.

He lifts out the cupcake pan and pretends to smack Richie with it.

"That hurt my feelings Eds." Richie slumps down onto the floor and frowns.

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