17 ~ Weak

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Richie's Pov:

I just got home.

Guns and blazin.

Threw my bike to the ground,

Ran up to my door, opened it,

Saw my dad drinking from 2 bottles at once.

Not very surprised... I just needed to get showered and everything so I could head over to Eddie's.

"Hey d-sir. Im just going to get my math homework, I forgot to bring it over to Stans house..." I lie.

"Stan? Who is he?" He slurs.

"My friend..? Since 5th grade?" I start.

"Well, you've never mentioned him.. are you lying to me Richie?" He stands up, a full 12 inches taller than me.

I gulp, and feels my heart start beating a hundred miles per hour.

"Why haven't you told me about him? Why do you need to hide him from me?" He growls.

"I d-d-didn't hide him from you. I promise sir. I told you this morning I was going to do homework." I stutter.

"Are you calling me a lier, faggot!?" He yells.

"No sir. I'm not. Im sorry." I take a step back so I don't have to smell the alcohol and cigarettes in his breath.

"You better not be. Go pack up your shit. You aint livin here anymore." He grumbles and tuns around and walks back to the couch.

"Where will I live then!?" I shout. "Don't you worry about where I will be?" I stupidly ask.

"No! I can't believe, that my own son, after all of MY hard work in this family, you're a fucking faggot!?" He darts towards me and pulls me up by the collar of my shirt.

"Im not! I swear." I cry out.

Hot tears start running down my frozen cold face.

Felt like fire.

"Please. I promise." I beg.

"I still don't believe you. Why havent you ever had a girlfriend? Why haven't you fucked that Bev girl yet? You're either a pussy or a fag." He shoots venom at me.

"Bev is dating Bill." I say.

"Who cares? Something like that wouldn't stop me from fucking another woman besides your whore of a mother." He snorts.

"Don't talk about her like that! Without Mom you would be living on the fucking street!" I suddenly build up the confidence to say.

"DONT FUCKING YELL AT ME! WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT!?" He screams in my ear and takes a punch at my face.

He lets go of my shirt collar and I collapse to the floor.

The pounding in my head hurt so bad I didnt even care that my father just dropped me onto the ground.

I didnt care that he was screaming at me.

If anything, I couldn't really hear, besides the ringing in my ears.

All I wanted, and NEEDED was to pack all of my shit up, and go kiss and give Eddie the biggest hug.

And tell him that he is the love of my life.

That I don't ever want to lose him.

He's the best thing that has ever happened in my life.

"Please stop! Please stop! Please stop!" I yell.

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