3 ~ Let me carve the E

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Author's Pov:

School had ended and Richie heard Eddie and the girl talking about studying at her house.

This almost made Richie lose his shit.

Why her? Whats so amazing about her?

Is it just because she's pretty?

Richie thinks Richie is stunning. Absolute most gorgeous human. (Besides Eddie ofc)

How could Eddie NOT like Richie?

He is funny, pretty, smart, loyal (not counting Mrs Kaspbrak)

Richie knew that not everyone was gay. Obviously.

But sometimes it's nice to pretend like you're normal.

Not some poor fag that makes jokes to cover up his true feelings and identity

Richie has been called the f word so many times, he's not afraid to use it himself.

He wouldn't dare call anyone else that

He would never want them to go through the same pain that he went and still is going through.

No body should have to live like that.

Everyone shouldn't have to go to school everyday scared for their life that they will be beat up just because they love a different sex or gender.

I mean, It's not their fault they dont like girls or dont like guys.

People act like every gay person chose to be gay to piss them off.

When in reality, life isn't all about them.

People, Richie, can love Eddie, Stan, Bill. Literally any guy.

It shouldn't be anyone's business.


The last bell of the day.

Thank god.

Henry kept making faces at Richie all day. Which obviously annoyed him, but he couldn't do anything.

If Richie was going to punch or kick Henry, he might as well kill him for all the time Henry called him that word.

But how do you think the teachers would feel about that huh?

Obviously would be on Henry's side because since Richie is gay, therefore, he "deserves" those names.

Such fucking bullshit.


"Hey guys, you know that fence that has all the carved initials?" Eddie asks.

"Uh yeah. Why?" Richie's eyes widened.

He remembers when he carved R+E into there a few years ago.

"I'm going to go down there and carve my name and Richie's." Eddie laughs.

Richie's face immediately turned to a dark pink shade.

"Eddie what the fuck?" Stan cringes.

"Im gonna go fuck your mom Eddie." Richie threatens.

"Nah Im fucking joking. Im not gay. Gonna carve Myra's name." Eddie grins to himself.

"Also, dont fucking touch my mom."

"Oops? Too late." Richie winks.


"Anyways Eddie. Aren't you supposed to go study with.. Myra today?" Ben asks.

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