5 ~ Don't look at me

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(Helloo. So this chapter is based a week later jsyk)

Author's Pov:

It was Friday. Finally! Thankfully for the losers, they didnt have to go to school on Monday either.

It was for some grading day thing.

Since every teacher asked a student to write a fucking essay, they all need time to grade then.


They were all riding their way to school but quietly.

No one really said anything besides Stan and Richie's small talk here and there.

Ever since Richie has told Stan that he was gay, he has been trying to avoid Eddie as much as possible.

He hung out with Stan instead.

Richie also stopped making "I fucked your mom" jokes which actually worried Eddie.

Eddie wondered if Richie was going through some more family issues.

He asked Richie if he was okay a few times, but Richie would quickly nod and walk away.

You would think Richie was doing this to get over his feelings for Eddie, but no.

Richie just felt so ashamed and embarrassed.

If he hangs out with Eddie, he will eventually find out and then Eddie would be the one avoiding him.

Stan has told Richie multiple times to just talk with Eddie, but Richie being the dick he is, he never listened.

"Hey Rich?" Stan asks.


"Stop being a bitchface and tell him already." Stan snarls.

Richie stares daggers at Stan.

"Dude shut the fuck up. I'm not going to."

"Tell who what?" Eddie asks.

"Yeah. W-w-whats going on?" Bill asks suspiciously.

"Stan I'm going to chop your dick off." Richie warned.

"Then you would go to jail." Stan laughs.

"I'm going to jail anyways for who I am so stop it."

"What are you guys arguing about?" Ben asks.

"Richie has a secret! Richie has a biggggg secret!" Stan smirks.

"Richie what are you hiding, huh?" Eddie smirks.


"Richie likes someone you guysss!" Stan shouts.

"Dude if you dont shut the fuck up right now-"

"Oh my gosh who is it? Is it that girl you were taking about last week?" Eddie teases.

"Nope. Richie doesn't like g-"

Richie interrupts Stan by hitting his back wheel with Richie's front wheel, causing both of them to get thrown off of their bikes.

"Richie what the fuck!?"

"I told you to shut up Stan! How would you feel if I started telling people something about yourself that you are so ashamed and disappointed by? I didn't choose to be like this! I am fucking told every single day that I'm a mistake and I should fucking die, I don't need my best friends wishing that as well."

The rest if the losers watched as their best friends screamed at eachother.

None of them knew what to do or say so they just stood there watching.

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