26 ~ Ready for School

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Author's Pov:







"Whattttt!?" He whines.

"Wake up ugly fish. It's time for school." Eddie ruffles Richie's hair back and forth with his hand. "Cmon Chee."

"Five more minutes mom!" He groans into his pillow.

"I'm gonna poor water on your head if you don't wake up right now." Eddie threatens.

"Fuck off Eddie." He growls.

"Okay. Its your loss." Eddie shrugs and runs towards the bathroom.

'Like he would actually poor water on me' I chuckle to myself.'

Eddie always wakes up awfully early, so I know that we don't have to leave for another 2 hours.

"Eddie. Come back to bed, jeez." I grumble.

I shift around underneath the bedsheets and blankets. It's cold when he's not next to me..

"Eddie!" I shout.

Where the hell is he? If he's legitimately getting a bucket of water, he better get ready for some pay back.

All it takes is a cough or a sneeze for Eddie to freak out and leave you alone.

I slowly rise up from bed and read my watch.

It was 4:37 What the actual fuck.

School starts at 7 and it takes 10, maybe 15 minutes to get to school.

"Eddie! What are you doing?" I whine.

I carefully pull the covers off of my legs, and get out of bed.

I walk over to the door and jiggle the doorknob until the door freely opens out...

And in the doorway, stood my stupid boyfriend with a bowl of water.

"Eddie what the fuck?" I yawn as I rub both of my tired eyes.

"Oh- you're awake." He smiles.

"Yeah.... and we're about to go back to sleep." I hold out my hands and wait for Eddie to give me the bowl of water.

"Eddie." I warn.


Eddie passes over the bowl into my hands and I smirk. I have the power now.

"Richie please don't. Im already gonna get hypothermia from last night."

Now that made my smile fade away instantly.

Last night was... horrible. I am so stupid.

It's funny because I almost forgot about it, but now it's all of my emotions flooding back, all at once.

I almost killed Eddie Kaspbrak.

The love of my life.

He could have died! Because of my stupidity!

I don't care if Eddie says it's okay, because deep down, we both know what I did wasn't okay.

It was a shitty move. Im surprised Eddie even slept in the same room as me.

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