11 ~ You're not him

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Eddie's Pov:

I was really glad that Richie and I made up.

At first, I was pissed about Stan locking us into a room, but it ended up working so that is awesome.

Except when Stan totally ruined the moment!

I would have actually kissed Richie if it hadn't been for him.

God. Why do people always interrupt during important things??

Like I was actually going to find out my true feelings from kissing Richie.

I mean, I kinda, sorta, wanted him to..

Myra never made me feel like that.

She always made me blush, a little bit. But Richie? Richie made me feel WAY different.

I get super nervous, sweaty, and I feel as if my entire body is on fire.

Especially my face.

Is that normal?

I remember looking in the mirror right when I got home, my whole face looked like a tomato.

Not fucking kidding.

Red as a tomato I tell you!

That's so embarrassing.

I bet the entire time, Richie was holding back from laughing so hard.

He was probably thinking,

"Wow, Eddie is so fucking gay."


"This dude looks like a clown."

Probably both.


School again.... yay?

At least I get to see Richie, and hopefully be able to talk to him without it being awkward.

If Stan barging in on us caused Richie to ignore me again, I will personally kill Stan.

Then make Richie clean up the blood and.. everything.

I don't want that on my hands.




Just no!

Anywaysss. Im just waiting here, right? On my bike, waiting for my friends. And Richie.

When all of a sudden I see someone speeding towards me (on a bike)

My eyes widen and quickly pedal out of the way of this crazy person.

"Woah! Slow the fuck down. Are you crazy? You almost killed me!" I shout.

"Im so sorry Eds! I didn't mean to. I couldn't see..." I hear Myra's voice trail off.

I gag when I hear her say Richie's nickname for me.

It sounded disgusting when she called me that.

"Myra? I thought you took the bus to school?" I gasp.

I toss my bike to the ground and she runs up and wraps her arms around my neck.

I hesitate for a second and hug her back slightly then push her off of my body.

"Myra, are you okay?" I narrow my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm good, thanks. I just thought... maybe we could ride to school, just me and you." She blushes.

Uhhhhh fuck me. This is not a good time for her to be all "cutesy" with me.

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