FAMILY (marco)

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[a/n: hands up those who love bae and his fatherly side. Read Ace's oneshot and it will all (kinda) make sense. 

I cried while writing this so, if you are in the mood for some angst and siblings love, keep on reading, fella. ]

IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL DAY AT SPHINX, an island hidden behind a waterfall. In this island was currently living Marco the Phoenix, the former 1° division commander, who decided to take care of his beloved father's homeland, also working as a doctor. His devil fruit powers allowed him to heal animals and people, so he was quite famous.

A crowd sorrounded the blonde male, requesting all types of favours, talking all at the same time.

"Marco, my back hurts again!"

"Marco, the vegetables at my field..."

"Marco, help me study..."

"Marco-chan, my knees..."

He was patiently listening to the inhabitants' requests, when he felt a strong haki coming towards him. He adopted a serious look suddenly turned around, ready to face whoever dared to threat the wellbeing of his father's hometown, only to be met by a young lady, whose silky [H/C] hair waved with the breeze. 

"Who'd have thought that the fierce Marco the Phoenix would have become this soft?"

Her hips swayed from side to side as she walked and, as she got closer, he noticed the tattoo on her right thigh. 

"Marco-nii," She spoke, a smirk forming in her features. "Is that how you greet your baby sister after so long?"

Said male recognized immediately that voice and his eyes widened in shock.

"Y... Y/N?!" He whispered to himself, clearly surprised.

 She ran towards him and jumped to embrace him. He was still in shock, but then his gaze softened and wrapped his arms around her. 

He heard her sniffle in his chest, and looking at her, she lifted her sight to meet his. Her gorgeous E/C orbs were glossy and she was crying uncontrollably. 

"I..." She sobbed, "I missed you so much!"


AFTER ASSISTING EVERYONE, MARCO invited her Y/N to his home. He knew she loved tea, so he put the kettle on the stove in order to boil some water. After that, he sat at the small living room he owned.

"It's a nice house that you have here, Marco-nii." She pointed out, looking around her while smiling.

"Why did you come here, yoi?" He asked, a concerned look adorning his features. It was risky for his sister to be near him, as people like Teach were likely to come after him.

Y/N lowered her sight. "After you and my brothers fought against Teach, I knew nothing about you or them..." The truth is that her brothers made her stay at one of the islands Whitebeard had claimed as his own in order to preserve her wellbeing. Teach had threatened her when Thatch's murder happened, and they couldn't afford to lose her. They wouldn't be able to bear with that burden on their shoulders.

Marco's eyebrows knitted together, and she continued. "But after I found out you were here, I just wanted to see you. I know it's dangerous... but I wanted you to meet someone."

"Huh?" He gave her a questioning look. He didn't get it. 

"Come out already!" Y/N called out. "Hide and seek's over~!"

When he saw who she was calling, he gasped in shock. 


From behind a door, came out a little boy. His hair was short, wavy, messy and dark. His curious orbs, which glanced at the blonde male, were dark as well. And his skin... he had the same freckles dusting on his cheeks like him.

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