SUN (jinbe)

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With Onigashima burning with war between the Pirate-Mink-Samurai alliance and two unyielding conjoined forces — Big Mom and Kaido's crews— the decision of not only a country, but also a pirate era was to be decided. Everyone was participating, the integrants of both clashing forces scattered all over the floating island. 

While Nami and Usopp fought Ulti, Robin and Brook fought Black Maria. While Sanji fought Queen, Zoro fought King. Your allies, Eustass Kid and Law would later on join forces to take down Big Mom, while Luffy was the one to fight against the fearsome Kaido. 

"You know a lot about slaves, don't you?!" 

Who's who, member of the Tobi Roppo, and former member of the CP9, questioned Jinbe, who wouldn't give away any answers. A strong and formidable member he was, due to his use of Rokushiki combined with his devil fruit powers. Jinbe, having activated his Busoushoku Haki, had a hard time defending himself wholly from the attacks this one propinated. 

You felt helpless, clenching your fist as all you could do was watch how he was relentlessly hurt — yet nothing could you do, since the fishman had asked you before not to intervene. 

The ex-CP9 was not going to let him loose without getting what he wanted, but upon seeing how the First Son of the Sea would not give him what he wanted, he decided on something that would be called a dirty move. 

However, who said war fighting would ever be fair, to begin with?

"I'm sure you know something, don't you..." 

The Zoan devil fruit user was now towering over you. You were so small compared to him... You couldn't but to clutch the folds of your kimono tightly, while staring with a shocked glare at him.

"Oh?" Your actions seemed to call his attention. He tilted his head, and smiled in a way that his fierce, sharp fangs were even more visible. 

"Are you going to tell me or do I have to rip the answers from you..." He leaned down.

"...Golden Maiden?

A name you hadn't been called in years. A name that made you freeze on spot as though he was causing the utmost fear in you. 

"I don't... I don't know what you're talking about." Your voice trembled with fear and rage. 

"Oh, you're going to play dumb now?" He challenged, taking a grip on your wrist, "Tell me that I didn't see you while you served under whatever the Celestial Dragons told you? That I didn't see you at your very, very.... best?"

He was destroying you. You couldn't but to feel the tears threaten to spill from your eyes. How could he do this? How would you fight when all those horrible flashbacks were flooding your mind like a merciless storm?

"No... You're wrong, you-you're wrong..!" 

"I'm wrong?!" Who's Who kept on challenging you, letting out a loud laugh as if the truth was overt. "I guess there's only one way to find out. Soru!"

You stiffened, and activated your Busoushoku Haki on your arms to defend yourself. He disappeared, and you couldn't even follow him with your eyes. 

"Shigan!" The enemy's voice yelled, and it took you off guard as his finger pierced through your shoulder, rendering your arm immobile. "Shigan!" He yelled again, piercing your other shoulder.

A cry of pain left your lips as you turned to look at his macabre expression, like he was looking down at you, his prey. Fear boiled inside your body as his hand got closer to the sole area you'd never think of showing anyone. That one which bore with so much shame and humilliation.

"I know what you are... Golden Maiden." He growled, uncovering his claws to rip your kimono's back apart. "They kept you in shape so you could be used however they liked... You knew too much, too... But, in the end, you just are..." 

You swore to yourself that you'd left that part behind, that you'd never reveal what you had to go through. That the Golden Maiden would be dead and buried forever. That she was not you. 

Yet look at how she was coming back.

"A dirty, worthless sla—"

Gyojin Karate Ōgi: Buraikan!

You couldn't help but to close your eyes at the sound of the loud impact, thinking it'd be over for you.

"It isn't honorable to involve others in a one-on-one fight, much less pick on a lady."

You opened your eyes, and the first thing you saw was the Fishman, yet his expression was one you didn't think you had ever seen in him:


It was over sooner than you'd thought of, yet little could you do to help Jinbe out. All you could feel was the incessant flow of your tears against your cheeks, and the old, ghost-like burning on your back.

"I'm sorry." Your voice was shaky, and you couldn't stop the hiccups coming from your lips. "I'm sorry..." You repeated, bowing down your head.

Worthless. Filthy. Only good for pleasuring. If you weren't so good at this, I would have killed you a long time ago. Disgusting slut.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm—"


You felt a hand placing itself on your shoulder, snapping you out of your spiral of thoughts.

"You have nothing to apologize for." Jinbe's voice was solemn, yet with a tint of softness.

You looked up at him, unable to stop the tears welling up at the corner of your eyes once again.


"It's alright, (name)-san." You felt his warmth enveloping you as the Fishman held you in an embrace, allowing you to cry it out. Then, after some time, Jinbe pulled away just enough to look at you in the eye.

"A mark doesn't define your worth of living."

His words pierced eloquently right through you. As if directly destroying the chains on your body — the ones that tied you to your past — and broke you off your cross.

Blown away, you stared up at him as if he had just said the words you needed to hear the most. The ones that opened your eyes.

Like a ray of sun, he shed light upon you.

And you knew it was not just empty words. The mark on his chest understood the one on your back. All the suffering, the humiliation, the pain... Both of you were no strangers to the horror of being enslaved by world nobles.

"Let's go, (name)-san. We have to meet Luffy and the others. The fight isn't over just yet."

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