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(This is my edit *^*)

There, there right in front of the small Incubus, quietly stood a tall, strong looking incubus.

And it was none than Balto itself, it didn't took time for Balto to notice the smaller male and in a heart beat the boys hug each other with Ein sobbing on Balto's chest and Balto hugging Ein closely like his life depended on the smaller incubus, after all they were the inseparable brothers that the whole hell knew.

"Y-your here! Your really here!"

Ein says through sobs as he clings for dear life on his big brother, mixed emotions and so many questions to ask, but now, all he wanted was the familiar arms to stay around him for longer and longer.

"I'm here your moron, i'm here..."

Balto's voice was cracked a bit as he felt emotional on seeing his little brother so health and safe, as he stroke the smaller boy's hair gently like he was a frágil rise made out of glass.

"W-where had you been!? I-I've searches for you! Hours and days and weeks and months and-"

Ein was shortly cut off by Balto patting his head.

When Ein look up his eyes widen in shock, Balto had huge 3 scars over his left eye and his arms were badly wounded as he realises the small details on his now bigger brother.

"I went to do what it was right."

Balto spoke quietly as he notice Aaron looking a bit jealous.

Balto, with his big bro instincts kicking in, he raises his eyebrow and stare at Aaron.

"And you are."

"Aaron, Aaron Lycan."

Balto huffed slightly and look down at Ein, noticing the blush on his cheeks.

Well it don't take even a minute for Balto to take the ultimate card.

"So your my little brother's husband?"

For a instant Ein squeaks totally embarrassed as Aaron gives a small chuckle while approaching the incubus brothers.

"I will be on the future, if he still loves me."

As Aaron says that he pats Ein's head earning soft growls of pleasure from the incubus.

Aaron stand his hand and Balto does the same, both shaking hands and introducing theirselves more properly.

[ later ]

After the whole introducing, meeting and talkings Ein had a bright idea to give a tour around the kingdom.

The 3 males went from cloth stores, pet stores, food stalls and even the armour and tools store which Balto takes a special liking in the various interesting items that was there.

As soon as they realise the sun start to set and Ein gives a kitty style yawn showing he was tired.


Aaron ask as he watch Ein slightly nods and slowly tug on Aaron's shirt.

Aaron could not help but to chuckle on the cuteness and pick up the small incubus that is being cute and slightly needy for a comfy nap supporter(*coughs*AaronBed-)

"Hm, he sure likes you."

Balto mumbles as he watch his little bro fall asleep completely comfortable on Aaron, giving a relief for the big brother.

"Yeah, I can't help myself but to spoil him, I just love to see him smile so much.."

Aaron hums content that perk the awkward mood to a good mood.

"... thanks for taking care of him."

Balto said with a smile as he look forward, showing positivity.

And of course not even that slides off the alpha's eyes, making the alpha itself chuckles on how protective Balto is.

"No problem, but your a great big brother too."

Aaron said with the full intention to compliment and try to create a bond between Balto and him.

"Oh? That's pretty sweet from a mortal."

Balto chuckles feeling secure around Aaron, after all he proved to the bigger incubus his loyalty through out the whole day.

"Well what can I say, when I ask Ein's hand I sorta will need some backups like you."

"That's only if I allow you to ask my little bro!"

"Aww cmon dude!"

They start to slightly laugh as their tail wags, making their bond stronger and stronger with some jokes and pun intended talks.

Soon they reach the original base where Garroth is chilling with Laurance on a hammock and Travis staring at a dark necklace, gaining a confused look from Aaron.

"Travis? What's that?"

Aaron asks confused as he approach the albino male

"Ah, this? This is a small gift for.."

(Cliff hanger uwu)

(R.i.p my eyes are burning from lack of sleep but at the same time I'm so hyper ;w;)

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