(Bonus End)[New Life,New Time,New Love] Master!Ein X Slave!Aaron

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(So I decided to do this cause it had so much Eiron/Einron fans that liked this Slave and master version that I decided to make a bonus right after!!

So that the viewers could finish reading with a smile.

*turns in a white cat with gray tail and snuggles on the reader*luv chu!!(love you)

Have fun and thanks for not skip this!)

-----Weeks Later-----

The enemys were hunting Ein as Ein had a leg cutted.it was a medium cut in the leg.but still hurt much.

Aaron was running carrying Ein.his eyes were at Ultima mode while growls.

He wanted to Protect Ein at every cost.but the enemys stepped in front and they surrounded Aaron.

Aaron fight one of the enemy but the other taked the chance and possess Ein as Ein's eyes turn green.

The enemys suddenly leave making Aaron mad and confused when he heard Ein call for him.


He runs to see Ein with his smile.


He tackled hug Ein worried but soon he felt a sharp pain near of his heart and fainted due of the many blood loss of the other cuts.


Was te only thing Aaron hears before drift to a huge collapse....

——-Time skip to when Aaron wakes up——-

Aaron waked up with Ein beside of him.he notice a single tear in Ein's eyes realizing him from what happened before...

Aaron stroke Ein's hair feeling the soft and fluffy hair.


Aaron hears Ein say his name softly,but on a cracking voice...

Almost sounding like crying...


Ein spooks,over and over over again.like all of those was reseted over and over again.


Aaron calls Ein.but Ein still would repeat...

Aaron shakes Ein as Ein wake up with tears falling from his eyes.


Ein hugged Aaron as his tears falled more.

"I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry!!i-I din't meant to hurt you.i-I really don't meant it....I-I'm sorry."

Ein's body was at a point that was trembling...

Aaron hugged Ein back patting his back in a manner of comfort.

The poor master only could cry in his Slave...or lover's arm.desperate for a comfort to relieve the pain inside of him.

"It's ok master...look.i don't care if you done that Master. You have always managed to repay me some how when you felt like you had done something wrong, As for me your hurted me but look...

You saved me from that market.you maked food for me and let me take a bath,and even give me a place where I can call..."home" again...

You hurted me but that is nothing compared to how much you were kind to me.even if I never deserved it...

You changed my life and I am glad for be picked by someone like an a angel as you..."

As soon as Aaron finished he could see tears falling from the young master.

Without the needing of holding back the urge,both closes their gap between them and started a huge hot kiss season as the tears turned to tears of joy.

——-Years Goes By——-


Ein scream as he was about to give birth to the child.

Aaron was outside.wishing everything would be fine.his heart beating faster each time he hears Ein's scream.

He was worried cause the baby could die in the process since Ein is a male with a bag of female inside of him.

As soon as he waited a Doctor come out of the surgery room taking the plastic glove.


Aaron jump up and rushes to the doctor with worrys in his heart.

"S-do how it goes?..."

As soon as Aaron asked the doctor taked the mask and a smile was on his face.

"You should look mr.Father."

Aaron felt the heart melts when the doctor said mr.father,he soon goes inside of the room seeing Ein with a messy hair and 2 babys in his arm.

"Oh?hey Aar."

Ein smiles as the both baby were sleeping peacefully at the new mother's arm.

Aaron's smile widely as tears of joy fall from his eyes and hug Ein and the baby's carefully and close.

"I am so proud of those sweet and adorable babys....."

Ein smiles as his tears of joy falls as well.

"And I am proud for you be their father."

Aaron have some though and wipe the tears of joy as grins.

"You will be a great 'mommy' for them"

[Ein Blushes]

"D-damn you -//////-"


[Aaron chuckles]

"Well I can't wait to call you my 'hun'~ "

[Ein Grins as Aaron blushes]

"You already did it."


[Ein realizes as Aaron giggles tiny making Ein smiles and giggles as well]

(Nya Nya Nya!!>w< so yes this is the happy ending route!!and for this comemoral time

Drawing Event

This Drawing Event is for you easer that had watched the Msster!Ein X Slave!Aaron Pt.1 and Master!Ein X Slave!Aaron Pt.2 plus this bonus ending!(for understand the story better but you can ignore the entire story only for draw with your imagination :3)

1.choose a scene and draw it!
2.it have to be Aaron X Ein.
3.the baby's are like fusion.

[Baby1:black hair with a red tip like Ein's and red color at the tip of the ear like Aaron/is a boy/have dark eyes at left and silver at right.

Baby2:have light blue ear tip color and have the hair color as Ein/have light blue eye at the right and light red at left.]

4.who wins will choose the next AU for me to write!!

[List Of Future Chapter:
Mermaid AU
Touhou AU
Wolf AU


5.and for the others they can ask a drawing request to me!(I wanted to make this fair so not only the winner would win and have a Chapter but also have fun participating in this event and share your ideas and arts!)

Thank you So Much
For Participate!

Until Next Chap My Beautifuls Readers!!>///w///<

-Nora Logged Out-

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