Chapter One-Hundred and Four

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I am scared. I think something bad is going to happen. I can't tell when or how or even to whom. All I know is that I have to put things in place ready for it. I have to make sure people are ready. Because when it happens, everything is going to change...

I wake with a groan. My head pounding and my throat dry. My eyes heavily open and quickly close again as the light is too much.

"Fuck!" I groan feeling a strange weight on my body. My eyes flutter open again and I jump when I see Razan's face right there hanging over mine. He gives me a big lick and I groan again. I then register the weight still on my body. I look down and see Kai still lying on top of me. I smile, remembering last night. Then, I see Nishka sat on the other side of the bed, waiting for us both to wake. She tilts her head and nudges his legs. His eyes flutter as she nudges him. I wonder how the wolves got in when Kai locked the door. It takes a few minutes for it to dawn on me that they were already in my room, snuggled in the corner when we had arrived back. We just hadn't noticed. Kai groans and lifts his head up slightly, looking at me.

"Morning," I yawn and raise an eyebrow at him. He laughs and rolls off me, though he doesn't let go of me as his arms remain wrapped around me, pulling me into his side. "Finally, I can breathe again," I say as I stretch. He laughs and kisses my cheek. Razan nudges me and I lean back in the bed. Kai closes his eyes and lets out a long sigh before speaking. 

"I can see why you and Wyatt aren't allowed to get drunk together. You injured half my warriors," he tells me. I chuckle. He shakes his head and I move mine so it leans on his chest.

"I did warn you," I tell him as Razan nudges me impatiently. They both want to head out, but I just want to spend a few more minutes in Kai's arms. 

"I can't believe the two of you outdrank Karn and Kovan," he says, baffled. I just smile smugly. He laughs again and kisses my cheek. We both fall into a pleasent quiet as we hold each other. His hands stroke little circles on my shoulder and I trace over the tattoo on his chest. The wolves whine again, breaking the moment. We both sigh and sit up. 

He stands up and grabs his shirt that is screwed up on the end of the bed. He must have taken it off at some point in the night. Though I am still in my dress.

"Last night was a little bit crazy," I say. He laughs and pulls me into him again, pressing a delicate kiss against my lips.

"It was." he finally says, pulling away from me. "But it was a good one," he smirks and I giggle, remembering the time we spent together in the corridor. "Even if you did nearly kill yourself..." he says with narrowed eyes. I shrug.

"Wyatt and I always agree it isn't a good night unless one of us almost dies." Kai shakes his head and sighs.

"Yeah and half my Lupine saw Wyatt grope you," he laughs. I laugh too and shake my head.

"It's not like that," I say. "He's my best friend and has helped me get out of worse situations," I shake my head. "If you heard some of the stories the two of us have... "

"Maybe one day," he smiles. I laugh.

"Plus," I say. "At least it was Wyatt they saw grope me and not you," I tell him. He laughs and shakes his head.

"I didn't grope," he tells me. I raise an eyebrow.

"And what would you call all of that then?" I ask him. His narrows his eyes and tries to think of something. I laugh. "Exactly," I tell him. He smiles and shakes his head, then the smile falls off his face. "You'd better get dressed quickly. Breakfast is soon," he tells me and gets off my bed. I nod my head and stand also.

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