Chapter Seventy-Two: Three Years Ago

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I can't see! I couldn't see! Why couldn't I see it? Why am I so blind to everything you have done to me? Why can't I make you all see? What you are doing will destroy this kingdom and it will destroy this family. If you do this, the Dulavelle's will all be as blind as I have been!

~Ravings of the Mad Queen. Spoken just before her arrest as she addressed the Council. Evidence piece 7B in her Trial.

Juliet is nervous as she comes into my room.

"Good morning Princess," she says as she hangs the dress I am to wear on my wardrobe door. I sit up in my bed as she hurries around my room. Picking up some of my clothes and neatening everything up. The way she works is quick, rushed and I can see her hands shake slightly.

"Juliet, what's the matter?" I ask. She looks up at me with a confused frown.

"Don't you remember? Today is the day the Lupine come," she tells me.  I jump out of bed quickly. 

"Why didn't you tell me as soon as you walked in?" I chuckle as I race to begin getting ready.

"Slow down Princess, you have a couple of hours yet," she tells me. I smile at her.  She hands me a silky white robe and we leave my room.

I hear all the maids and servants whispering as we walk along the corridors to the bathing rooms.

"I can't believe the King is allowing those savages to even step into the capital, let alone the Castle. Is he trying to kill his daughters?"

"I heard that the Savages will eat anything they can find. Even rats. Disgusting."

"I heard that they cut themselves to mark every kill they make. I've also been told that they look disfigured and hideous.  It's like the magic they have with the Kintara wolves has bounced some of their features onto them. Making them look like beasts," a maid chuckles.

"Don't listen to their gossip," Juliet tells me. I nod my head, though I can't help but feel nervous. There have been so many stories about the Lupine, also known as the Savages here in the Capital.  Especially since the Lupine have been more active recently. They have attacked so many towns and villages. Stealing and destroying everything in their paths. They are killers and they are dangerous.

"Did you know they don't have a King. Their leader is a Solavar or Lunavar. Where they come up with such titles..." the conversation fades away as we pass.

"Juliet," I ask. "Is it true that in order to rule the Lupine, you have to kill the current ruler?" I ask.

"I believe so," she replies as we enter the bathing hall. I frown. "It doesn't matter if it is male or female," she continues. "Both can rule at the same time though. Whoever marries the ruler automatically gains the title specific to the gender and the two rule as equals," she tells me. I frown.

"Really? Even if they didn't have anything to do with killing the previous Solavar or Lulavar?" I ask.

"Yes. The Lupine trust that their leader will pick the right person to rule by their side. If they don't, they follow a new Lupine to dispatch them," she shrugs. I smile.

"How unusual," I reply. My father didn't like us learning about the Lupine. He said our minds shouldn't be corrupted by their savagery.

I return to my room after bathing. Juliet had been pretty thorough in my washing. Apparently, my father has given her strict orders. She rubbed all sorts of scents and gels into my hair and skin. Leaving it soft and smooth. Now I sit at my dressing table, still in my white robe. A maid had bought some food to my room to eat. I enjoy the fruits as Juliet plays and styles my hair.

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