Chapter Twenty-Three: The Hunt

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Today, I opened the book that I found in the King's chambers. It has been a week since the Princess escaped and the security around the castle has begun to ease. Only a little. The King is still suspicious though. There is no doubt that soon his suspicions will fall onto me. So, I must analyse the book as much as I can before that happens. I hope that it will bring me one step closer to understanding The Gift.

Upon opening, I discovered it is written in the language of the Lupine. Lupine. A language I only know the basics of already. But, to make things more difficult, it is written in ancient Lupine. Like all other languages, the spoken tongue of the Lupine has evolved in the past thousand years since the book was written. I decided that I would attempt to translate the book at another time. Instead, I opted to analyse the exterior.

It is small with a plain black cover. Though it is old, it is in pristine condition. Even after its trip in the river that runs beneath the water when I helped the Princess escape. It appears as though there is some sort of enchantment over it to stop it from coming to harm. Though that is only a theory as there isn't any of that magic in existence. Or at least not any more. Apart from that, there is nothing else I could get from the book.

Though I suppose I had best explain my fascination with it. Throughout my years as both a Scholar and the Master Scholar, I have made it my mission to discover truths that have been hidden from us. As I have previously stated. I have studied countless scrolls about our history. Most have been unhelpful. Detailing what I've already been taught all my life. However, there are very few of our earlier scripts that describe a book. Written by Visara's closet ally. A Lupine by the name of Olin. He was the greatest Lupine Warrior who went on to kill the Solavar in order to take his place. I shall write more of him at a later point, however.

It is said Visara made all her decisions with him. He was even there when Visara first got The Gift. He was also there when she learned how to use it. He documented it all. That is why I've come to believe that this book tells the truths of our histories which has been altered and changed countless times by those wishing to hide it. Which is why it has been hidden all this time.

Two of these books were made. Once Olin died, Visara made a copy of everything he wrote. Somehow they have been protected. Meaning that they can't be destroyed. That is why I believe the Kings have kept it hidden all this time. Though as the years have passed and new kings have risen and fallen, the reason this book has been hidden has long been forgotten. Hence why I found it in King Matthias' drawers of his desk.  He knows he has to keep it tucked away and his chambers are a good place. No one in their right mind would enter his room. Not even his daughters.

However, he doesn't know what it is and what it hides. He also can't destroy it to keep whatever secrets it tells. Maybe he doesn't want to destroy it. King Matthias hungers for power over everything. Especially The Gift. The one thing he can't control. That is why he was so obsessed with Princess Illyana being under his control so completely. With her eyes, there is no doubt in my mind that she has some sort of connection to Visara herself. I believe that King Matthias has come to the same conclusion as me. That is why it is in his desk draws. Away from the snooping eyes of the court, but close enough for him to study.

Now both copies are gone and I must do everything to keep it from him again. If he finds a way through the book to control The Gift, he will be unstoppable.

~The Rising of the True Queen. Written by Master Audwin. Master Scholar during the reign of King Orion and King Matthias.

Sir Jago leads his men along the flatlands. They race their horses, barely giving the beasts time to rest. He knows that  Princess Illyana would not be so cruel. That she would allow her horse to rest and allow him to go a slower pace. He also knows she has a large headstart. Seven hours at least. As they race along the straight track, they look out for any changes in the Princesses tracks. So far, she had not even tried to cover the heavy prints of her warhorse. Though, it would appear she made a few friends along the way. One of the first troughs they arrived at was completely empty and tipped over. The ground was dry. It wouldn't have taken long for the heat of the sun to strip the earth of the water that had been spilt over it.

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