Chapter Thirty: The Castle

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The gods left us. Yet our dedication shall not fade. The goddesses pushed them away. Their manipulations and cruel tricks not only took our gods from us but also destroyed this world. It is our job now. We must reshape this world in the god's image so they can return to us. With their return, they will bring their rage and make this world pure once more. Those who turn against them will feel their wrath and those who follow and obey will feel their glory. 

~The Holy Script of the Son's of the Pure. Page one, verse one.

The Castle:

Cordelia sticks to the shadows of the corridors. Her black cloak hiding her as she makes her secretive journey through the castle. When she gets to her location, she takes out a key. Looking around to make sure no one is watching, she unlocks the door and enters. There is a groan from the corner of the room as the door shuts. She pulls down her hood and rushes over to the source of the groaning, pulling back a blanket that had been laid over the man lying there.

"Princess," he snarls as she lifts him up and leans him against the wall. Over the past week, she's been coming every night. She had cleaned up his messes from the poison her sister gave him. She had also washed him, brought him clean clothes, fresh water and soups. At first, he wasn't strong enough to feed himself. Now, he snatches the beverage out of her hand and laps it up greedily.

"Soon you'll be well enough to leave this room," she tells him. He glares at her.

"I'm going to kill that bitch. Just wait until I tell her father. She won't be so confident then," he snarls and then winces. Cordelia had yet to tell him. Though she supposed now was a good time. He was well enough to actually understand what she was saying and not strong enough yet to be able to attack or hurt her.

"My lord," she begins, taking a few steps away from him. "Illyana has gone," she tells him. He doesn't say anything for a few seconds. He just stares into her green eyes.

"What do you mean gone?" he asks. She gulps, her throat going dry.

"She escaped and is now trying to complete the True Trial," she tells him.

"What?" his voice goes cold and dark. Cordelia gulps.

"My Lord," she says. "may I suggest you don't tell father of what Illyana did to you."

"What does he think I've been doing whilst I've been here?" he asks, his voice rising with anger.

"Illyana forged a note saying that you were going to the Lupine boarders to help some of the villages and protect them from Lupine attacks," she tells him. "He thinks that's where you still are," she sighs. He sits up slowly.

"He actually believed I would miss The Queen's Trial?" Cordelia doesn't say anything for a few moments as she thinks about her next words.

"Yes. He's fuming that you've not returned. It has been well over a week since Illyana left."

"A week!" he shouts, standing up.

"I have to tell him what his bitch daughter really did to me!" he says.

"My Lord," Cordelia gasps as he wobbles slightly. She helps him to sit back down. "My Lord," she says again. "You can't tell father of what has been done to you. If he finds out that Illyana was able to do this to you, there is a chance he will see you as unworthy of taking the throne," she explains. He doesn't say anything. He only glares at her. She looks down, fiddling with her fingers. "If the rest of the court found out about this, you would be a laughing stock," she whispers, afraid of his reaction. She looks up slowly. "I'm so sorry, my lord," she says as tears stream down her cheeks.

"How do you know about my poisoning?" he asks. "If Illyana is gone then how did you find out?"

"Illyana told us the night it happened," she explains with more tears. He lets out an inhuman growl.

"So why didn't you do something straight away?" he spits.

"I couldn't," she tells him. "You don't understand," she pleads.

"Don't tell me what I do and do not understand!" he shouts.

"I couldn't go against Illyana," Cordelia tells him. "She has all my sisters convinced that she can be the true queen. I would never have been able to get to you. Once she left, there was so much heat around the palace. I was being watched all day every day. If I had come for you during that time then you would have been discovered, your reputation ruined," she tells him. His eyes narrow as he looks at her.

"So you're not with your sisters?" he asks, cynical. She scoffs and leans back against the wall.

"My sisters. I love them deeply but they are stupid and selfish. They don't understand the importance of the Queen's Trial. They don't understand why we cannot rule. It is in the best interest of Vivelle that we stay off the throne and you rule," she tells him. He grunts almost impressed.

"You've surprised me, Princess," he says. She smiles and looks down embarrassed. "Perhaps I was focusing my attention on the wrong daughter all this time."

"You're too kind, my lord," she smiles shyly. He sighs.

"Now get out," he orders. "I've got to think of a reason as to why I didn't come back as soon as Illyana went missing," he tells her. She goes to speak but he cuts her off. "I don't need your input. You'd have nothing of value to add." She nods her head.

"Of course not, my lord. That is why you are going to be king," she smiles. His lips turn up slightly at the statement.

"Exactly," he replies.

Cordelia hurries back toward her room where her sisters wait.

"How did it go?" Fallon asks.

"He's soaking it up," she smiles.

"Good," she replies.

"I don't see why we don't just kill him and stage it as an accident," Shaelyn mutters.

"Unfortunately," Fallon sighs, "we need him."

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