Chapter Eighty-Six

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The arrival of Lord Sebastian Baylon has made the castle restless. I believe I am being watched now more than ever. I must continue to study the book and keep a record of the events of Princess Illyana's rising. A message from Fallon has told me that already,  almost three months in, she has the loyalty of three races. The Mer. The Centaurs and the Sirens. Technically, she has succeeded in the trial. However, she is venturing to the Lupine. I can understand why. With the Lupine behind her, there is no way the Fae and King has a chance against her. However, I fear that the Lupine loyalty will not be easily given.

Within the city, the princesses are working tirelessly to stop the rumours being spread about Princess Illyana. I have heard some pretty disturbing stories of the Princesses attempt over these last few weeks. All spread to try and tarnish her name. I am not sure whether it is being believed or not. I would hope not. On my trips through the city, I have seen Illyana's mark painted on the walls of street corners. Written around them the words:

"The True Queen will rise. Down with the False King."

Either way, something is spreading. I just hope it is belief in the Princess instead of hatred and fear. I have no doubt that the other princesses will succeed in swaying the minds of this nation. However, I fear what will happen to them should their involvement be discovered...

The Rising of the True Queen. Chapter One. Written by Master Audwin. Master Scholar during the reign of King Orion and the King Chosen Matthias.

I am awoken to a pounding on my door. Razan lets out an annoyed huff as he stands up and shakes off. Groggily, I stand up and go to answer my door. A woman barges in before I get there. I jump and Razan lets out a low growl. The woman says something in Lupine to my wolf and he stops growling. I just watch wide-eyed.

"Princess," she says, her accent thick as she speaks in the common tongue.

"Ana, please," I say back. She nods her head.

"Ana," she says as she walks to the windows and throws open the wooden shutters. It is still dark outside, though I can tell the sun is just about to rise.

"You are still in last nights dress?" she asks. I look down. She shakes her head.

"You have a lot to learn before you can even go to breakfast," she sighs. "Sit," she orders. I take a seat on one of the chairs in my room.

"My name is Riva. The Solavar has appointed me as your tutor," she tells me. I nod my head.

"Okay," I reply. She isn't a particularly tall woman. Nor is she muscular like a lot of the other Lupine I have seen. Her skin is dark and golden. Her eyes are dark brown too. She shouts something in Lupine and I jump. A wolf walks in, looking around nervously.

"This is my wolf, Tia," she tells me. "She is very shy." Tia looks at me with wide dark brown eyes before scuttling quickly to Riva and hiding behind her. She isn't as big as some of the wolves. Tiny in comparison to Razan. She only comes up to my waist in height. 

"She's beautiful," I say and Riva smiles, gently stroking Tia's fur. She is a white wolf with patches of silvers and greys. I look back at Riva. Her hair is a warm brown colour and tied up in a tight, braided bun. 

"First things you need to know before you make another public appearance, is how to style your clothes and your hair. Hair is very important because it is what identifies your role within this society." My eyes widen. I had known that braids were important, but I didn't realise how.

"The way I have my hair tells people that I am an educator," she tells me. I nod, the tight bun seems appropriate. "There are many ways an educator can have their hair, but there must be a braid and it must be in a ball," she tells me. "Only once an educator is qualified, can she personalise her hairstyle. Once that hairstyle is chosen, that is the one that is kept. I prefer to keep it simple. However, some of the other girls like to make all sorts of complicated twists and braids that I frankly don't have time for," she mutters. "For farming girls, hair must have two balls on either side," she says pointing to the side of her head. "Again, they can be personalised but must include a braid. Servent girls must have half their hair braided and the other half down. Trade girls, so women who work in jobs like blacksmithing, baking, clothes making and provide a trade must have two braids. One on each side. Prostitutes must have the top half of their head sectioned into at least four small, tight braids and the rest left down." She speaks so fast that I struggle to understand and take in everything. "Unemployed girls will have no braids. Girls in training will have a universal training braid for whatever field they are going into. You, will be training to be a warrior. Warrior braids are single braids that must secure all of your hair. As you will be training, you will not get to personalise it. Let me teach you the training braid," she says as she walks over to the dressing table and pulls out a brush. I don't have time to argue before she is yanking the brush through my hair. I try not to wince as she roughly untangles the knots.

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