Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Last night, I had a dream. It was so real. I think it was real. I can't quite explain it. Something in the pit of my stomach is screaming at me though. A gut instinct.

I went straight to the Master Scholar. I spoke to him alone. I told him about my dream. Of how real it seemed. He theorised that I might be developing The Gift. The Gift of Visions. The Gift that drove Queen Orianna mad. I didn't believe it at first. It has been long thought that The Gift has been lost to the Dulavelle daughters. It hasn't been recorded in a daughter for the last hundred years. Yet here I am. Seeing things that have already been. Seeing things that I shouldn't be.

Master Audwin suggested that I write everything down that I see. I have to be careful though. I have to make sure no one finds my writings. If it falls into the wrong hands. Well, I dread to think what would happen. If the wrong person suspects I have The Gift, especially the same one as The Mad Queen, it would be the end of me.

Perhaps I don't have it. Perhaps I was looking too much into a vivid dream.

Except I can feel it. I feel different. Like I have woken up from a long sleep. My mind feels clearer and my body stronger. I can't explain it. Master Audwin tried to come up with theories. He says that there is so little information that theories are the best he could do. He told me the latest age recorded of The Gift appearing is Twenty-Five. Which could mean my other sisters have it too. He also said The Gift can appear during times of distress or when we need it most. If true, then why now? My life isn't in any imminent danger. With Illyana still on the run and no closer to being caught, there is no Queen's Trial for me to die in. Things have actually been a lot calmer recently. Father seems to be less angry. He locks himself away for hours and hours and leaves us alone. Lord Kristoff still has to make an appearance and the most dangerous of the King's Guard and the Red Guard are out looking for Illyana.

The dream comes back to my mind over and over again. I shall write them all down. With all the details I can remember. I will write as though I am there. Perhaps this Gift has come to me now because something needs to be seen. Something hidden needs to come to light. If my role in this is to observe and learn, that is what I shall do. Even if the same madness consumes me as it did with my ancestor.

So visions. Gift of the Fae. I welcome you. Whether you be of the past, the present or the future. I will absorb and I will learn and if madness is the outcome then so be it.


I can only stare at the man before me.

"You were lucky that it was a Sin-Cat that found you," he says, turning from me and kicking one of the mauled bodies of the cat. I don't say anything. My eyes can't seem to leave him. Unable to comprehend a few things about this man.  The first being that he turned from monster to man. A power I have never heard of before. That, in our world or creatures, does not exist. "They send out scouts," he continues as he inspects the bodies of the creature. "It is the scout's job to track down prey and capture it. Of course, that wouldn't have been difficult seeing as you were running around screaming," he says patronisingly. I frown but don't say anything. He continues. "Once it's caught something, it signals for its pack so they can all tear the prey apart together," he smirks. "If any other creature in this shit hole found you, they'd have torn you to pieces before you even realise what had happened," he shrugs and turns back to me. My eyes scan him intensely. He wears a long black coat that goes to his ankles. It is wrapped around his waist by a thick black belt and has a wide hood hanging down the back. He is tall and muscular. His skin has a tanned hue to it. His cheekbones are sharp and his jaw angular. Long, straight silky black hair hangs down his back, ending at his hips. The top half of it is tied into a bun, however, keeping it off his face. Then, there are his eyes. I can't seem to focus on anything else.

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