Chapter Sixty-Eight

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The King takes my father into another room. It is larger than his previous one with a heavier door and a window facing the front of the castle, not the back where the cliffs are. He sits my father down on the bed and sighs.
"How long has this been going on for?" he asks my father. The young boy gulps and tries not to cry.
"Since I arrived," he replies. The King shakes his head.
"Why haven't you done anything about it or told anyone?" he asks.
"Because Lord Leander told me this is how the court works. That if I told anyone, no one would befriend me and that I need friends in order to gain your favour. He said he is toughening me up." Matthias gulps. The King shakes his head.
"That boy," he almost growls before he closes his eyes and starts again. "In some ways, Leander is right. It is very difficult to navigate the politics of this place. There are very few people you can trust and if they know you are going to spill their secrets then no one will trust you."
"So what do I do?"
"Do you really want to be the King, Matthias?" he asks. My father gulps and looks at the king.
"Of course," his voice is a whisper. The King's eyes soften and he pats the boy's shoulder.
"I didn't think so," he sighs. "But like most children, our fathers have chosen our paths for us and there is no way to escape." He looks off into the distance. "When I chose the next king, there are many qualities I am searching for. I need to know the person taking over me is smart, assertive and brave. I need to know he can manipulate people like Leander and get people like that under his control." My father's eyes are wide.
"How do I do that?" he exclaims.
"It will be a long and slow road that you will have to learn for yourself. I am testing you so I can't give you all the answers. Best to follow by Leanders example. Study him, learn from him. He is both feared and worshipped around here by young nobles that you will one day have to work with. His popularity comes with more than just his title. You're a smart, caring young man. Qualities I am already drawn to. Now you need the strength and political cunning. You need to know when the right time to strike is. What secrets to reveal and when. Who to trust and how to act around certain people." My father nods and pales.
"That is a long list." The king smiles softly.
"It is, but you have time to learn." The King stands and begins to exit the room.
"Don't think my advice here tonight means I have shown you any favour. There are plenty of young men in the same position as you. Your father got you here. Now you have to continue his work." Matthias nods his head and licks his lips.
"Your majesty?" he asks as the king turns to leave. "Lord Leander said that if I fight back, lie to him or hurt any of his friends then I will be in massive trouble and exiled from court. What if I need to do order to prove myself?" he asks. The King smiles.
"I'll make you a deal, young Matthias. If you can put my arrogant, nasty little nephew in his place..." he frowns as he thinks. "Then any crime or act against him you committed in order to beat him will be officially pardoned by me," he grins. "But only if you are clever about this." My father nods eagerly. "Remember, take your time. Do not waste my pardon on naive, rushed mistakes."
"I won't."
"Good. I sense a strength in you. I look forward to seeing how this plays out," he smiles before walking away. My father rushes over to the door, closes it and then locks it. Then, he sits on his bed and takes deep breaths before a smile crosses his face. I frown. That is a smile I am all too familiar. The smile when my father has a cruel plan forming.

The Fae charge. They move with effortless grace. Karn growls behind me and jumps off his horse.
"Stay here, southern girl. I will not let them get you," he tells me as the Fae begin to circle us. Absolutely not. I want these fuckers dead. They want to take me home so I can do the Queen's Trial. I am not going to let that happen. I will not be go back and compete with my sisters for our lives.

My eyes widen as Nyxa charges into the Fae. Their weapons seem to bounce off her and in seconds, she has ripped their bodies in half. Karn fights with a brutal grace. He is pure strength and speed. There is no faffing around. Just quick and deadly blows. I can see the Fae using their abilities to see what their opponents are going to do next. This means it is taking a little longer for the Lupine to finish them off and they continue to surround us. I look around to Wyatt. He is fighting with the Lupine and I call for him. He looks over and throws me a weapon. It is a dagger. Seeing the shining, slightly curved blade brings a smile to my face.

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